Author: John Greenewald

VX (S-[2-(diisopropylamino)ethyl]-O-ethyl methylphosphonothioate) is an extremely toxic substance whose only application is in chemical warfare as a nerve agent. As a chemical weapon, it is classified as a weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations in UN Resolution 687. The production and stockpiling of VX was outlawed by the Chemical Weapons Convention of 1993. Declassified Documents Electronic Warfare Joint Test VX-5 Advance Evaluation Note [59 Pages] Toxicity of High Purity VX in the Rabbit (Percutaneous) and Mouse (Intravenous) Following The Addition of Reaction Products [59 Pages]

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These sixteen documents comprise a set of U.S. Army Medical Intelligence reports from the 1970s and 1980s concerning the extent of research into and deployment of biological and chemical weapons activities in various nations. These reports were requested under Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR), administratively processed under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and released by the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM).  (Source: Defense Intelligence Agency report, Biological Warfare Capabilities – NATO Countries And France, February 1972[7.9 MB] Defense Intelligence Agency report, Biological Warfare Capability – Asian Communist Countries, May 1972 [14.9 MB] Defense Intelligence Agency report, Biological…

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Plum Island Animal Disease Center of New York (PIADCNY) is a United States federal research facility dedicated to the study of animal diseases. It is part of the DHS Directorate for Science and Technology. Since 1954, the center has had the goal of protecting America’s livestock from animal diseases. During the Cold War a secret biological weapons program targeting livestock was conducted at the site. This program has been the subject of controversy. Declassified Documents  The National Bio- and Agro-Defense Facility: Issues for Congress, 19 May 2008 [25 Pages, 0.3MB] – The agricultural and food infrastructure of the United States is potentially…

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Pfizer is one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies based on revenues. Pfizer develops and produces medicines and vaccines for a wide range of medical disciplines, including immunology, oncology, cardiology, diabetology/endocrinology, and neurology. Back in the 1960s, Pfizer (then Chas. Pfizer & Co.) were contracted to conduct research into Chemical Incapacitating Agents for the Army.  Below, you will find the reports released so far to The Black Vault.  Research on New Chemical Incapacitating Agents by Chas. Pfizer and Co., Inc. – Quarterly Report Number 3 from January 1 to March 31 1964 [33 Pages, 0.7MB]

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Background The following documents pertain to Biological and Chemical weapons. Document Archive 2002 DoD Chemical & Biological Defense Program Annual Report to Congress, April 2002 [302 Pages]  Awareness Level Wmd Training: Chemical Agents, 01 January 2009 [22 Pages, 1.85MB] – This module provides students with an understanding of chemical agents and Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TIC) used as Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). Biological Effects of Blast, December 1961 [127 Pages] Biological Warfare Defense Vaccine Research & Development Programs, July 2001 [190 Pages] Chemical and Biological Defense Program Annual Report to Congress, March 2000 [272 Pages] Chemical Weapons, 30 March 1965 [12 Pages, 5.59mb] – Foreign Intelligence…

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