Author: John Greenewald

The Lockheed Martin/Boeing F-22 Raptor is a fifth-generation fighter aircraft that uses stealth technology. It is primarily an air superiority fighter, but has multiple capabilities that include ground attack, electronic warfare, and signals intelligence roles. Lockheed Martin Aeronautics is the prime contractor and is responsible for the majority of the airframe, weapon systems and final assembly of the F-22. Program partner Boeing Integrated Defense Systems provides the wings, aft fuselage, avionics integration, and all of the pilot and maintenance training systems. U.S. Military Aircraft For Sale: Crafting an F-22 Export Policy [100 Pages]

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The following is a list of misc. documents pertaining to military aircraft.  In a way, these still have to be organized into proper categories, but for now reside on this page.  10 Propositions Regarding Air Power [91 Pages]  Air Mobility Plan, 2008 [138 Pages, 3.95mb] – The Air Mobility Master Plan 2008 is an effects-driven, capabilities-based fl ight plan for the future of the MAF; it is guided by the vision contained in the Commander’s Intent and charts a steady course to ensure we meet the Nation’s future air mobility needs. It serves as the Command’s long-range planning document, given…

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The X-20 Dyna-Soar (“Dynamic Soarer”) was a United States Air Force (USAF) program to develop a spaceplane that could be used for a variety of military missions, including reconnaissance, bombing, space rescue, satellite maintenance, and sabotage of enemy satellites. The program ran from 24 October 1957-10 December 1963, cost US$660 million, and was canceled just after spacecraft construction had begun. Strangled Infant: The Boeing X-20A Dyna-Soar by Clarence Geiger

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This series documents important aspects of the war in Southeast Asia. Originally published by the Airpower Research Institute at Maxwell AFB, the seven short studies were written by airmen who fought in Vietnam. Vol. I: The Tale of Two Bridges and the Battle for the Skies over North Vietnam [205 Pages] Vol. II: Airpower and the 1972 Spring Invasion [125 Pages] Vol. III: The Vietnamese Air Force,1965-1975: An Analysis of Its Role in Combat and Fourteen Hours at Koh Tang [175 Pages] Vol. IV: Last Flight from Saigon [153 Pages] Vol. V: Airpower and the Airlift Evacuation of Kham Duc…

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On 4 January 1955 the USAF issued Systems Requirement SR-12 for the Weapons System WS-118P high-speed reconnaissance vehicle. Range was to be over 5000 km, altitude over 30 km. Bell provided a proposal on 1 December 1955, calling for a three-phase program using a glider designed to be boosted by a two-stage rocket to Mach 15 at 50 km altitude (Phase I would produce an 8,000 km range vehicle; Phase II a 16,000 km range vehicle; and Phase III an orbital vehicle). Below are some of the documents released on this program. Declassified Documents Aircraft Configuration Survey for Weapon System…

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