Author: John Greenewald

Newly released internal DoD memos shed light on security concerns and chronicle chain of events in the days and weeks that followed Luis Elizondo’s resignation and UAP videos were published by the NY Times in December 2017 Despite public statements by the Pentagon asserting Luis Elizondo had no assigned role on AATIP in June 2019, these memos show the DoD had made that determination back in late December of 2017 but for an unknown reason did not make it public Details emerge in these documents that outline the security concerns and overall reasoning that led to the AFOSI investigation into…

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Records Management Self-Assessment (RSMA) reports are a crucial aspect of the federal records management program, aimed at evaluating the efficacy and compliance of federal agencies in managing their records in accordance with the legal and regulatory requirements. These reports are submitted to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), which is the primary authority responsible for providing oversight and guidance on the management of federal records. The origin of RSMA reports can be traced back to the Federal Records Act of 1950, which established the basic framework for records management in the United States. Over the years, numerous policies and…

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If you are looking for the video of the David Grusch aka “UFO Whistleblower” interview, the embedded video from NewsNation has been removed, along with the transcript. However, you can watch the video still on NewsNation’s website. An explanation on why the content here was removed is explained in the tweet below:

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The Department of Defense (DoD) has released a few documents that shed light on its original operations and goals of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). Formed on July 20, 2022, AARO operates under the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and is tasked with investigating unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and other anomalous phenomena, whether they occur in the air, sea, space, or on land. These phenomena are often referred to as “unidentified aerial phenomena” (UAP), “unidentified anomalous phenomena,” or simply “U.A.P.” The office’s director is Dr. Sean M. Kirkpatrick. Released through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in…

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The Department of Defense (DoD) cites national security and law enforcement proceeding reasons not to release any “Mosul Orb” details The DoD invokes a new approach to withhold information, using FOIA Exemptions (b)(7)(A) and (b)(7)(E), typically reserved for law enforcement investigations​, but now associates that with UAP cases This change in tactics could signify a shift in how the government handles future UAP information disclosures​. The Pentagon has maintained its silence on the leaked image of the so-called “Mosul Orb” depicting an alleged Unidentified Aerial [Anomalous] Phenomena or UAP seen over an active conflict zone in Iraq back in 2016.…

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