Author: John Greenewald The Black Vault’s FOIA request for budgetary materials and financial records of the UAP Task Force was denied, citing exemptions (b)(1) and (b)(5). Exemption (b)(1) protects classified national defense and foreign relations information, while (b)(5) covers inter-agency or intra-agency deliberative processes. The use of these exemptions for financial information raises questions about the UAP Task Force’s operations and the sensitivity of the requested data. The Black Vault has been denied access to budgetary materials and financial records relating to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Task Force. The denial comes as a response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)…

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This document, released by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), serves as a guide for psychological operations (PSYOP) in guerrilla warfare. The primary focus is on how to leverage psychological tactics to influence and control the population and enemy forces during an insurgency. The guide outlines the importance of understanding the target audience, establishing credibility, and utilizing propaganda to promote the guerrilla movement’s objectives. Additionally, it highlights the role of armed propaganda teams in executing these operations. The authorship of “Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare” by Tayacán is not definitively known, and the name Tayacán is likely a pseudonym. The document…

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On March 1, 2022, Lt. General John E. Shaw, Deputy Commander of U.S. Space Command, wrote a memorandum for Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen at the NASA Science Mission Directorate. This was to confirm that a meteor detected on January 8, 2014, and written about in a scientific paper by Dr. Avi Loeb from Harvard University, and his colleague Amir Siraj, was an interstellar object. This was posted on Twitter by the U.S. Space Command’s official Twitter account on April 6, 2022: That memorandum and Twitter post prompted an April 23, 2022, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by The Black…

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In this paper, Dr. James E. McDonald, a prominent atmospheric physicist, presents a detailed analysis of the UFO phenomenon and argues that it deserves serious scientific attention. McDonald emphasizes the need for a comprehensive, international, and interdisciplinary approach to study UFO sightings and related incidents. He highlights numerous cases and testimonies from various sources, including military personnel, pilots, and radar operators, as well as other credible witnesses. McDonald calls for the scientific community to move past the stigma associated with UFOs and to engage in open-minded research to understand these unexplained phenomena better. Key Highlights: Scientific Stigma: McDonald laments the…

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The controversy over Navy SEAL Edward Gallagher and then-Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer dates back to a series of events that unfolded primarily in 2019. Edward Gallagher was a Chief Petty Officer in the U.S. Navy SEALs with a decorated career. He faced allegations of war crimes, which led to a high-profile court-martial. The charges against him included the murder of a wounded ISIS prisoner, shooting unarmed civilians, and threatening fellow SEALs if they reported his actions. In July 2019, Gallagher was acquitted of most of the charges but was found guilty of posing with a corpse, resulting in…

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