Author: John Greenewald

Background Devices exist which, by sending an electrical impulse of ultrasonic frequency through a telephone circuit by tapping, will permit remote surveillance of any office in which a telephone is located by utilizing the telephone microphone as a pick-up. Such eavesdropping may be accomplished without additional wires and is possible even though the handset is in a “hung-up” position. Below, you will find thousands of pages archived from the FBI on ultrasonic listening devices, wiretapping, violations, and countermeasures. Document Archive  Ultrasonic Listening Devices / Wiretapping, 1945 – 1989 (80-HQ-760) – Release #1 – [1,064 Pages, 200.1MB]  Ultrasonic Listening Devices / Wiretapping,…

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The purpose of this “evaluation” by the Department of Defense, Office of the Inspector General, was to: “determine whether the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence’s, the U.S. Southern Command’s, the U.S. Central Command’s, and the U.S. Special Operations Command’s oversight of intelligence interrogation approaches and techniques adhered to applicable DoD policies and regulations.” The Black Vault filed for the report on April 22, 2019, and it was released (with redactions) on January 26, 2023. Document Archive Evaluation of the Oversight of Intelligence Interrogation Approaches and Techniques (DODIG-2019-077) [90 Pages, 9.5MB]

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In August of 2013, the report Smart Power and U.S. National Strategy from the Joint Special Operations University, stated the following about Operation Earnest Voice: A recently disclosed U.S. classified operation seeks to develop software that allows the use of fake online identities or “sock puppets” to influence Internet conversations and spread strategic communications. According to U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) spokesman Navy Commander Bill Speaks, “The technology supports classified blogging activities on foreign language websites to enable CENTCOM to counter violent extremist and enemy propaganda outside the U.S. When completed, the software would allow the U.S. to “respond to emerging…

Read More It’s been some time since UAP imagery was “leaked” and published by Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp, but in the early morning hours of January 24, 2023, a new UAP case has been revealed. During the premiere of their new “Weaponized Podcast”, Corbell and Knapp revealed what they call the “Mosul Orb”. Here is the highest resolution available: Here is the segment from their show for context: Credit to The Daily Mail for covering the story first, as written by Josh Boswell & Chris Sharp. On Corbell’s Instagram account, he added the following context: MOSUL ORB : US…

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The Black Vault’s AAWSAP/AATIP and Post 2017 UAP/UFO Timeline Project Welcome to The Black Vault’s timeline of the AAWSAP/AATIP era through to the ongoing UAP developments with the U.S. military and government in the present day The timeline here tracks major events, sightings, meetings, congressional legislation implementation, and more, providing a detailed and up-to-date overview of this fascinating and rapidly evolving field. Explore the timeline to discover the key moments that have shaped our understanding of UAP and the government’s involvement, and stay informed about the latest developments in this ongoing saga. Each entry below has corresponding source links and…

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