Author: John Greenewald

The U.S. Navy Office of the Judge Advocate General just rendered their decision and denied a major FOIA appeal submitted by The Black Vault in September. This appeal was profiled on this channel ( and the hope was that the detail submitted in that appeal, along with the legal argument of justification for release, would rather render a decision reversing the original denial. It did not. The result of this case may resonate throughout future “disclosures” (in the FOIA sense) and decisions by military branches and government agencies, all citing the UAP Security Classification Guide. This video breaks down the…

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Does Congress have to rely on the U.S. military to give them answers about UFOs? One group thinks there are more options on the table, and they believe they could absolutely fill the role with more efficiency and reliability than the military. The question is, will Congress take them up on it? As the world awaits the second, but now nearly two-week-late, public UFO/UAP report published by the U.S. government, a different development has unfolded this week behind the scenes. For months, a group that specializes in investigating the phenomena, and “providing direct access to the general public of reviewed…

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The following document remained secret for more than 18 years. It was a memorandum about the 9/11 Commission meeting with President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney in the Oval Office. Although it is not a verbatim transcript, it contained numerous quotes from the President and Vice President. It was released by the The Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP, or “the Panel”) on November 9, 2022, under appeal case number 2012-163. The original case was filed by researcher Erik Larson. The document was first have been covered by the Wall Street Journal on the same day ISCAP…

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Background According to Wikipedia: “William Francis Buckley (May 30, 1928 – June 3, 1985) was a United States Army officer, a Paramilitary Officer in Special Activities Division (renamed Special Activities Center in 2016[1]) and a CIA station chief in Beirut from 1984 until 1985. His cover was as a Political Officer at the US Embassy. He was kidnapped by the group Hezbollah in March 1984. He was held hostage and tortured by psychiatrist Aziz al-Abub. Hezbollah later claimed they executed him in October 1985, but another American hostage disputed that, believing that he died five months prior, in June. He…

Read More All sorts of things to discuss. Join me, as I broadcast originally LIVE on YouTube on Friday, October 28, 2022, for the low down of the new NY Times article which is squashing the expectations of what may be in the next UAP report. About an hour in, I begin taking questions from the live audience. Want the podcast version? Show Notes NY TIMES: Many Military U.F.O. Reports Are Just Foreign Spying or Airborne Trash The Road to a Congressional UFO Hearing, 1960’s Style

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