Author: John Greenewald

The following National Archive and Records Administration (NARA) Index of Classified Records, November 1988, was first released heavily redacted in 2013. In June 2021, The Black Vault filed a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) case to get it reviewed and further released. It took until September 2022 for the case to be completed, and as a result, numerous redactions were lifted and new pages of information were revealed, though much still remains redacted. The document is available below. Document Archive  National Archive and Records Administration (NARA) Index of Classified Records, November 1988 [14 Pages, 2.2MB]

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The following CIA history of the Office of Logistics for 1 July 1952 – 31 December 1956 was first released heavily redacted in 2005. In May 2019, The Black Vault filed a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) case to get it reviewed and further released. It took until June of 2022 for the case to be completed, and as a result, numerous redactions were lifted and new information was revealed. The document is available below. Document Archive Office of Logistics History, 1 July 1952 – 31 December 1956 [66 Pages, 12MB]

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These videos were obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) from the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). They have never been released to the public before. In the interviews, the identities are unknown in most cases. If anyone can add who the individuals are, please CONTACT The Black Vault. Released Videos [ .zip File of ALL 10 Videos Below, As Released by the NRO – 5.72GB File Size ] Metamorphosis: Corona Satellite Operation in the 1960s, Presentation by Lt. Col. David Arnold, PhD Catch a Falling Star Honoring the Corona Pioneers, May 24, 1995 Discovery / Corona…

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The below is NASA press release 22-105, issued October 11, 2022, and archived here for reference. Analysis of data obtained over the past two weeks by NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) investigation team shows the spacecraft’s kinetic impact with its target asteroid, Dimorphos, successfully altered the asteroid’s orbit. This marks humanity’s first time purposely changing the motion of a celestial object and the first full-scale demonstration of asteroid deflection technology. “All of us have a responsibility to protect our home planet. After all, it’s the only one we have,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “This mission shows that NASA…

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Note: This page can change and morph as documents are released. It is not considered a “final” published article. It is a page for archival reference. The article was originally published March 3, 2015, and updated thereafter. Canadian UFO Reports, around the year 2000. [100 Pages] – These documents were obtained under the Access to Information Act in Canada. They are only a sample of the reports available, and were received from the Department of National Defence (DND). The Chris Rutkowski Archive Chris Rutkowski is a Canadian science writer and educator with degrees in astronomy and education. He has a…

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