Author: John Greenewald

Per the Department of Defense, Deputy Secretary of Defense, on July 20, 2022 (see establishment memorandums below the press release below): On July 15, 2022, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks, in coordination with the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), amended her original direction to the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence & Security by renaming and expanding the scope of the Airborne Object Identification and Management Group (AOIMSG) to the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), due to the enactment of the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal 2022, which included a provision to establish an office, in coordination with DNI, with…

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Today, July 20, 2022, the House Intelligence Committee approved the Fiscal Year 2023 Intelligence Authorization Act, authorizing funding for initiatives that will improve the IC’s ability to collect data on hard targets, modernize the Intelligence Community’s use of emerging technology, recruit and retain top talent to the IC, and strengthen congressional oversight. The measure was passed through a bipartisan voice vote and now heads to the House floor for final passage. It also included language about Unidentified Aerospace-Undersea Phenomena. (Click Here for the full approved Act and corresponding press release.) Shining a historical light on UAPs. This year, the Intelligence…

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Biohacking-experimentation on DNA and other aspects of genetics by “hobbyists” is increasing as pertinent technology and data become more accessible and as online support groups facilitate sharing of information and knowledge. Over the next 5 years as biohacking capabilities spread, the techniques and tactics needed to employ DNA-based steganography (concealing of messages within messages) are likely to spread as well. Although we have no evidence to suggest adversaries currently are experimenting with this technology, DIA assesses with high confidence that as biohackers develop the knowledge to exploit this technique, state or nonstate actors will endeavor to use DNA-based steganography to…

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This report contains the results of a preliminary study of the search and recovery operations required for the safe and expeditious return of the Mercury Recovery Capsule in the first series of orbital flights. The study is concerned primarily with the high-probability impact areas in the Atlantic Ocean. Emphasis is placed on safe recovery within reasonable time at least cost. A preliminary study of this nature is not able to provide final answers to all of the problems; the report instead constitutes a “first look” at the overall operation. Much of the report is therefore devoted to basic data, the…

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In the early years, Soviet space programs used hardware already available and relied entirely on boosters developed as ballistic missiles. Missions were predominantly those such as the manned, lunar, and planetary flights that could be and were publicized. There were also scientific programs for exploration of space near the earth. This approach provided a series of space flights that simultaneously made headlines, had a high probability of success, and held costs down. The clear intent, for the most part, was to enhance and image of Soviet scientific , technical, and military prowess, and the earlier missions were a key element…

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