Author: John Greenewald

Below, you will find an archived compilation of the first released images from the James Webb Telescope. Each press release is archived from the newest to the oldest, as they were released a bit staggered throughout the day of July 12, 2022. Download them all [ .zip Archive of ALL FIVE Highest Resolution Images Available of the below (351MB) ] NASA’s Webb Reveals Cosmic Cliffs, Glittering Landscape of Star Birth The seemingly three-dimensional “Cosmic Cliffs” showcases Webb’s capabilities to peer through obscuring dust and shed new light on how stars form. Webb reveals emerging stellar nurseries and individual stars that…

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Captain Scott Chesbrough assumed the duties of ONI Chief of Staff in June 2018 after serving as the Assistant Deputy Director for Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Operations, J-32, the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Below, you will find the results of FOIA requests submitted for searches on Captain Chesbrough’s email address. They are organized by FOIA case number, and what was specifically asked for. There is currently one case, however, more have been filed, and the below will be updated when they are released. Document Archive Captain Scott Chesbrough, Chief of Staff, Office of Naval Intelligence UAP/UFO E-mails [22 Pages, 2.5MB]…

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The above was archived from NASA’s site. The editor was Rob Garner. It is archived on The Black Vault for research purposes and archival reasons. President Joe Biden unveiled this image of galaxy cluster SMACS 0723, known as Webb’s First Deep Field, during a White House event Monday, July 11 Webb’s image covers a patch of sky approximately the size of a grain of sand held at arm’s length by someone on the ground – and reveals thousands of galaxies in a tiny sliver of vast universe Webb’s sharp near-infrared view brought out faint structures in extremely distant galaxies, offering the…

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So here’s the deal. I don’t do opinion pieces. In fact, I can’t even remember the last time I took a conversational approach to an article posted on this site. But, with this story below, I have to break the wall between straight-forward news delivery and telling you all, in my humble opinion, why something like this matters. So here goes… This saga begins on June 29th, 2022, when Science Magazine published an article about Dr. Travis Taylor. He’s the astrophysicist that about a week and a half ago, George Knapp with KLAS-TV revealed was the “chief scientist” on the…

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Last week, George Knapp with KLAS-TV exclusively published the identity of one of the scientists working with the UAP Task Force. Now a disbanded effort to pave the way for a new organization called the “Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG),” Dr. Travis Taylor was said to be the “chief scientist.” According to, Dr. Taylor played a role in, “…analyzing the 144 incidents, including dozens of bizarre objects that buzzed multiple Navy ships in 2019.” Immediately after this article was published, The Black Vault reached out to the Pentagon the next morning to confirm some of the…

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