Author: John Greenewald

On 15 May 2016 from between 2130-2230 an unidentified flying object later identified as a privately owned drone was seen flying over the installation as well as the neighboring State run correction facility. A base police officer was dispatched to meet with a Riverside County Sherriff’s (RSO) Deputy and a California Rehabilitation Center (CRC) officer at the Beacon Hill Plaza north of the NSWC-COR 5th Street Gate in Norco, CA. The plaza parking, located outside the base property, was where the operator of the drone was stopped and fully identified. Document Archive Suspicious Drone Flight over Naval Surface Warfare Center,…

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This Freedom of Information Act request filed by The Black Vault in January of 2022, asked for the most recent AMTRAK “Reservation, Ticking and Station Procedures (RTSP) Manual.”  This document was never available to the general public, at least, it was never found by The Black Vault when it was first sought after in 2017. The case was closed due to AMTRAK sending a “still interested?” letter which was overlooked so the case was never processed. A new cased filed in January of 2022, case 22-FOI-00090, then yielded the document below. It came in with each page numbered on its…

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This PowerPoint presentation formally requests DNRO’s approval of NRO’s social media presence, beginning with the anticipated launch of NRO’s official Facebook page this month, with Twitter and YouTube to follow. It was released in 2015, in a request filed by The Black Vault. Document Archive NRO Social Media Startup, Decision Brief – August 7, 2014 [11 Pages, 1.5MB]

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On day 3 of the ASEB/SSB Joint Meeting for 2022 held in June by the National Academy of Science (NAS), Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen gave a “Update and Discussion with NASA Science Mission Directorate” presentation. He had PowerPoint slides, and some of these were published days ago, but there was no real background published. The organization that posted the photos of Dr. Zurbuchen later took them down, but The Black Vault had already contacted NASA, and learned that Dr. Zurbuchen was at a NAS event, held by the organizations Space Studies Board. Days after the event, the NAS posted the entire PowerPoint…

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