Author: John Greenewald

The following Project Blue Book case file was a 17 April 1952 sighting over the Yuma Test Station in Yuma, Arizona. Document Archive Project Blue Book: Yuma Test Station, Yuma, Arizona — 17 April 1952 [11 Pages, 1.4MB] Additional Information On July 26, 2021, the U.S. Army wrote an article about the sighting. It is archived here, for reference: UAP mystery at Yuma Test Station: Early 1950s sighting never explained By Mark Schauer, July 26, 2021 From its inception as Yuma Test Station in 1951, U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground has been a natural desert laboratory for testing equipment destined…

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Here are three volumes of the History of the Office of Research and Development created by the CIA in December of 1972. It took more than four years to obtain via the Freedom of Information Act, in a case filed by The Black Vault. The document is available, as released, below. Document Archive History of the Office of Research and Development, Volumes 1-3, December 1972 [730 Pages, 176MB]

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The following documents were obtained from the CIA through a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) request filed by The Black Vault. Although released previously, this MDR case got some of the redactions removed. Document Archive Congressional Inquiry Concerning Possible KGB Involvement in Attempted Assassination of Pope John Paul, 1983-1984 [17 Pages, 7MB]

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On 16 January 1952, two members of a balloon project from General Mills Aeronautical Research Laboratory and four other civilians observed two unidentified aerial objects in the vicinity of the balloon they were observing. The balloon was at an altitude of 112,000 ft. and was 110ft in diameter at the time of the observation. Document Archive  Project Blue Book: Artesia, New Mexico — 16 January 1952 [15 Pages, 2.3MB]

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