Author: John Greenewald

This research project is an analysis of the current sentencing process at United States courts-martial, with emphasis upon theories of punishment and certain aspects of the system itself . Four specific areas are studied in detail and specific recommendations are made that would fundamentally revise the manner in which sentences are adjudged. Document Archive The Sentencing Process at Courts-Martial by Col. Richard L. Vogel, June 1987 [28MB, 78 Pages]

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The Office of the Director of National Intelligence released the ninth annual Statistical Transparency Report Regarding Use of National Security Surveillance Authorities. Published every year since 2014, the ASTR provides the public with statistics and contextual information regarding the scope of the government’s use of FISA authorities, National Security Letters, and other national security authorities. In conjunction with other publicly released material, this report adds insight into the rigorous and multi-layered oversight framework governing the IC that is designed to protect the privacy and civil liberties of persons whose information is acquired pursuant to these national security authorities. Document Archive…

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The following are document listings within the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)’s SECY database, either considered non-public or classified. The idea came from a previous request by, which received report listing for 1975-1989. In March of 2021, The Black Vault filed a request for records dates after those listed in the above. The results are below. Document Archive Non-Public / Classified Reports in Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s SECY Database, 1990 – March 4, 2021 [10 Pages, 2.1MB]

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The below are emails from within the U.S. Air Force Office of Public Affairs, dealing with UFOs or UAPs. There are various time frames, and some releases may contain repeats. Document Archive Malinda Singleton and Laura McAndrews UAP Related Emails (2021-03111-F and 2021-03112-F) Download Full Release #1 (with Attachment) – Released October 2019 – [16 Pages, 0.5MB] Download Full Release #2 (with Attachment) – Released August 2021 – [24 Pages, 0.5MB] Malinda Singleton Related Emails (2020-02797-F) Download Full Release #1 (with Attachment) – Released June 2020 – [55 Pages, 0.8MB]

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