Author: John Greenewald

Last week, the U.S. Navy released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) a June 16, 2020, “Information Memo” on “Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP)” that was originally written for the Secretary of the Navy. The problem with the ‘release’ of the 16 pages is that almost nothing was actually released. It is nearly entirely redacted. The FOIA request was originally filed by Alex Garcia, a Los Angeles based self described “Disclosure Activist and Advocate” who also serves as the Media Manager for UAPx. In the release sent to him by the U.S. Navy, they primarily cited exemption (b)(1), which translates…

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Just weeks ago, The Black Vault secured a partial release of the classified UAP report given to Congress on June 25, 2021. Now, newly released documents from the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) shed light on their contributions to that report, and to the UAP research effort underway by numerous corners of the U.S. military, government and intelligence community. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request was submitted to the NRO by The Black Vault on July 22, 2021. It was given NRO FOIA Case F-2021-00164, and zeroed in on the email box of the Director of the NRO, Christopher Scolese.…

Read More In December of 2017, the “Gimbal” video was published by the NY Times. Since then, it has captivated believers and has become a target by the debunkers. Yet, despite the drastic difference in regards to interpretations by both sides, one fact remains: the video is intriguing. Now, new documents released to The Black Vault may reveal that the Weapons Systems Officer (WSO) who encounter the craft, and took the video, appeared before Senate staffers in 2019 to brief them on the event. The Black Vault sought records over the course of three years, and followed a paper trail that…

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Background On January 13, 2018, a false ballistic missile alert was issued via the Emergency Alert System and Commercial Mobile Alert System over television, radio, and cellphones in the U.S. state of Hawaii. The alert stated that there was an incoming ballistic missile threat to Hawaii, advised residents to seek shelter, and concluded “This is not a drill”. The message was sent at 8:07 a.m. local time. However, no civil defense outdoor warning sirens were authorized or sounded by the state. A second message, sent 38 minutes later, described the first as a “false alarm”. State officials blamed a miscommunication…

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Investigation Status: Ongoing – Last Updated 3/31/2022 This page will continue to be updated as additional DIRD reports are released. Keep checking back as this page morphs throughout the next couple weeks, months and maybe even years. Make sure you also check out The Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) Documentation and also the To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science, Tom Delonge, and the Secret DoD UFO Research Program page for additional information and my investigation into the AATIP and AAWSAP as a whole. Background In July of 2018, Mr. George Knapp released a leaked version of…

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