Author: John Greenewald With a small triumph in the effort to get transparency on a hot topic issue, The Black Vault has secured the partial release of the classified report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) given to Congress in June of 2021. This effort by The Black Vault is the result of a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) case filed under 32 CFR § 1704 (not the usual Freedom of Information Act [FOIA] cases generally filed under 5 U.S.C. § 552) less than 24 hours after the public version of the same was released. The case mandated that the the Office of the…

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The Defense Warning Office (DWO) was a division within the Defense Intelligence Agency that produced threat assessments relevant to the Intelligence Community (IC). It produced reports between from at least 2009 through 2012, but it is unknown how long the office itself was in operation prior to the 2009 date. Today, it is known as the “Defense Technology and Long-Range Analysis Office”. Below, you will find a list of reports created by the DWO. The request was for, “… a list of all reports and their respective titles and dates (along with any other information that may be readily available),…

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Background You can get quite a bit of material under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) even copies of cafeteria menus and complaints sent in regarding the food. Although I still have quite a few open FOIA requests regarding this, the below have come in thus far. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)  CIA Cafeteria Complaints, Calendar Year 2013 [29 Pages, 2.7MB] Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) DIA Cafeteria Complaints, Calendar Year 2013 [33 Pages, 11MB] Department of Agriculture (USDA)  USDA Cafeteria Complaints, Calendar Years 2014-2015 [4 Pages, 0.6MB] – USDA claims only 1 complain was filed, but was settled, so there was no official report.…

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On October 19, 2021, Robert Salas held a National Press Club event called, “Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) and Nuclear Weapons.” Recently revealed documents show the Air Force had an interest ensuring they were able to watch the event, with the caveat expressed to Salas that it was to prepare for any media questions. According to the press release about the event: “A panel of former U.S. Air Force officers will discuss their involvement in UAP incidents at nuclear missile bases and test sites during the Cold War era.  In two instances in March 1967, nuclear weapons were disabled during UAP…

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