Author: John Greenewald

NOTE: Since this article was written, additional documents have been released that reveal more of the story. Those are linked at the end of this article with an additional link to a thread on the social media X which outlines some of them. When Luis Elizondo was introduced to the world in October of 2017 shortly after his retirement from working inside the Pentagon, it is likely no one quite realized the full extent of the story that would unfold. Although Elizondo’s claims seemed extraordinary at the time; they were entirely believable to those that heard them. And as a…

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After many denials over the years through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and after a Mandatory Declassification Review case was rejected (for an unclear reason) to get this material, The Black Vault filed a FOIA request to get the “photographs and videos of the wreckage of United Flight 93, taken on or around September 11, 2001” released to the public. That case was filed in December of 2021, and on February 14, 2022, the FBI responded by denying all of the records as being “exempt from disclosure.” The full FOIA response is below.

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** FLASH ** The below is a FLASH story, wherein documents have JUST been released. In lieu of crafting a lengthier story, The Black Vault has decided to unveil part of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) release. There is much more to come throughout the results of numerous FOIA requests and appeals. The following document is part of a larger Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) release. The Black Vault, for years, has had numerous FOIA requests open for various aspects of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) material and has undergone long waits for the material to arrive. It appears that…

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** FLASH ** The below is a FLASH story, wherein documents have JUST been released. In lieu of crafting a lengthier story, The Black Vault has decided to unveil part of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) release. There is much more to come throughout the results of numerous FOIA requests and appeals. The following document is part of a larger Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) release. The Black Vault, for years, has had numerous FOIA requests open for various aspects of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) material and has undergone long waits for the material to arrive. It appears that…

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These two videos were listed in a list of NRO videos within their collection. There is no context, or explanation. After requesting them under the FOIA, this is what I received. It is very unclear what this was even for or why it was created by the NRO, but there are archived here for reference purposes.  It was received via FOIA Case F-2021-00172.

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