Author: John Greenewald

The Northwest Mountain Office of the Regional Administrator is one of nine offices that comprise National Engagement and Regional Administration. The Regional Administrator, as the Senior FAA Official in the geographic area, provides leadership on key agency priorities, such as horizontal integration across the FAA Lines of Business and Staff Offices to ensure the Agency is providing consistent stakeholder support and engagement. The office partners with Federal, state and local governments and others to promote aviation safety and education across the region. The office addresses airspace and procedure modernization, runway safety, aviation workforce development, finance, information technology, policy, human resources,…

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Background Here is, according to Wikipedia, what is believed to have happened to the Kursk: The Kursk submarine disaster occurred during a major Russian naval exercise in the Barents Sea on Saturday, 12 August 2000. The Kursk, an Oscar-class submarine (Russian: Project 949A Антей), was preparing to load a dummy 65-76 “Kit” torpedo when a fire, followed by a large explosion, caused the ship to sink. Nearby ships registered the explosion but did not know what to make of it. A second, much larger, explosion took place two minutes and 15 seconds later, and was powerful enough to register on…

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In December of 2016, The Black Vault filed a FOIA request with the CIA, requesting all records pertaining to a contingency plan for the CIA, should the U.S. government shutdown. It took until February of 2022 to get the requested material. Below, you will find records from 2016, when the CIA was preparing for a shutdown. The responsive document was a declassified, in part, SECRET OPA Notice outlining the procedures for a pending funding lapse at the end of 2016. Document Archive The CIA and a Government Shutdown – What Happens? [6 Pages, 0.8MB]

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The follow memorandum was released by the CIA in 1981, however, about 50% of the original was declassified. In April of 2019, The Black Vault requested a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) of the record, in order to get all or some of the redactions listed. In February of 2022, approaching three years later, the CIA closed the case stating the original unredacted version could not be found for a review. Document Archive Original Document Released CIA MDR Response Letter

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