Author: John Greenewald ** FLASH ** The below is a FLASH story, wherein the documents have JUST been released. In lieu of crafting a lengthier story, The Black Vault has decided to unveil the entire Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) release, wherein a case was filed to ask for: 1) All Deck Logs from the USS Russell, for the entire month of July 2019. 2) All reports/memos/letters/emails/photos/videos pertaining to the USS Russell encountering unknown drones while operating off the coast of San Diego in July of 2019. This ties in to the UAP encounters revealed by Jeremy Corbell. FOIA requests were…

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Do you want to see all or part of the classified UAP report sent to Congress last June? As most of you know, so do I! So, in my ongoing effort to keep you all updated on this process, I can safely say now that I am struggling to get updates from ODNI, and numerous follow ups over the course of MONTHS have gone unanswered. To remedy this, last night, I filed an appeal with ISCAP in regards to my 32 CFR § 1704 MDR case that aims to get the classified UAP report reviewed for either a partial,…

Read More It is no secret to those who have followed the UAP story: The Pentagon has been anything but reliable when talking about UFOs. Inconsistent messaging; contradicting claims; and bizarre denials have flooded out of the Pentagon’s Office of Public Affairs, most of the time, with no supporting evidence to back up their statements. This included what appeared to be a long held denial that the program everyone was being told was a “UFO research effort” – was anything but. For well more than a year, the Pentagon denied that the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or AATIP, had anything…

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Introduction On September 11, 2012 in Libya, a heavily armed group executed an attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi. The attack began at night in a U.S. diplomatic compound for the consulate, and ended at another diplomatic compound nearby where the U.S. intelligence was posted. Killed were U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other members of his diplomatic mission, U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith and U.S. embassy security personnel Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods. Two other Americans and seven Libyans were also injured. The Benghazi attack was strongly condemned by the governments of Libya,…

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