Author: John Greenewald

These records were provided by the family of anthologist and transparency activist Russ Kick, from his papers, facilitated by the generous assistance of Dr. Susan Maret. This is not a complete collection set of his papers, but rather, a selection of items sent to The Black Vault for digital preservation.  Wriston, Walter – [84 Pages, 32.3MB] – Walter Bigelow Wriston (August 3, 1919 – January 19, 2005) was a banker and former chairman and CEO of Citicorp. As chief executive of Citibank / Citicorp (later Citigroup) from 1967 to 1984, Wriston was widely regarded as the single most influential commercial banker…

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These records were provided by the family of anthologist and transparency activist Russ Kick, from his papers, facilitated by the generous assistance of Dr. Susan Maret. This is not a complete collection set of his papers, but rather, a selection of items sent to The Black Vault for digital preservation.  Wright, Nathan – [180 Pages, 27.2MB] – Dr. Nathan Wright was both an Episcopal minister and a scholar. A prominent advocate of black power, Wright shared the ideology of Stokely Carmichael and H. Rap Brown, leaders of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. He was both a participant and chronicler of…

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The following videos were released after a FOIA Appeal. Originally denied as “deliberative process” – the videos were released in full after a granted appeal. There were three videos released, which outline procedural requirements, along with FOIA Exemptions 4, 5 & 6. They are displayed below in what appears to be chronological orders of the training day. They were recorded circa 2020 on an unknown date. Video Archive

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