Author: John Greenewald

“The United States may be called upon to wage extra-terrestrial warfare within the next two to three decades. This paper explores the implications of this requirement for the US Army and proposes a program of studies that will enable the Army to meet this requirement.” – Abstract This document appeared on eBay, and had no information other than the title and a price tag of $1,000,000. So, The Black Vault chased it through FOIA. It was received, and is now archived below, in full. Document Archive Extra-Terrestrial Warfare by Robert Suggs, June 1965, Combat Operations Research Group [19 Pages,…

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This report presents the results of the DoD Office of Inspector General (OIG) review of the DoD’s role, responsibilities, and actions to prepare for and respond to the protest and its aftermath at the U.S. Capitol Campus on January 6, 2021. The DoD Acting Inspector General initiated this review on January 15, 2021. Our review evaluated requests for DoD support before January 6, 2021, how the DoD responded to such requests, the requests for support the DoD received as the events unfolded on January 6, 2021, and how the DoD responded to the protests and rioting at the U.S. Capitol…

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For the past two years, The Black Vault has chased an internal Navy document which referenced an Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) briefing of some kind, but there were little details to go on. However, after multiple FOIA requests, and after fighting an initial false “no records” denial to get it, the record has finally been released. (Story continues below video) The document revealed a previously unknown briefing for staff members of the Senate Armed Services Committee by an F/A-18 pilot who encountered a UFO while operating in the airspace off the U.S. east coast. That briefing, along with the…

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The following document was released by the CIA to The Black Vault and resides within the Project Star Gate Collection. The date of creation is unknown, but appears to be an overview presentation about Project Star Gate, which includes information about the Mission, Definitions, Management, Personnel Participation, Benefits, Primary Methodologies, Secondary Methodologies, and Categories of Taskings. Per the presentation itself, with a DIA seal, it appears it was created while Star Gate was operating within the DIA, which would make it pre 1995 (prior to the transfer to the CIA). Document Archive Once SECRET Project Star Gate Presentation, Date Unknown…

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According to the author: The Central Intelligence Agency has investigated the controversial phenomenon called parapsychology as it relates to intelligence collection. The author was involved with many aspects of the last such investigations. This paper summarizes selected highlights of the experiences of the author and others. The intent is not historical completeness. Files are available for those interested in details. Instead the intent is to record some certainly interesting and possibly useful data and opinions. This record is likely to be of future benefit to those who will be required to evaluate intelligence related aspects of parapsychology. Document Archive Parapsychology…

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