Author: John Greenewald

The following were documents obtained from the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, Freedom of Information and Security Review Office. It was released to The Black Vault in September of 1997, through FOIA Case 97-F-1677. The documents depict multiple UFOs being seen over Mt. Airy, Maryland, which were reported to the Fort Richie Military Police. In addition, two different patrols at a facility known as Site R, also known as the Raven Rock Mountain Complex. Site R is also known as the “underground Pentagon,” and considered a highly sensitive area. Two patrols saw three oblong objects over the complex.…

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The audit objective was to verify whether the Navy’s FOIA reporting process provides complete, timely, and accurate information for inclusion in the annual DON FOIA report. According to the “Risk and Opportunity Assessment Report” for FYs 2014 and 2015, DON’s Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Programs were identified by DNS as a medium-risk area in FY 2014 and a high-risk area in FY 2015. Since the implementation of FOIAonline, Navy commands have raised concerns regarding the completeness and accuracy of FOIAonline data. This audit was requested by DNS. Document Archive United States Navy’s Freedom of Information Act Reporting Process,…

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Note: This began as a tweet thread that became considerably large. It was decided to write it here for those outside of social media, as well. This is an informally written article, and only meant to convey the Pentagon’s ultimate stance on the release of Skinwalkers at the Pentagon. I was contemplating on what, if anything, I could write about this issue, but since many of you have asked on social media, I’ll just bring it to you. Obviously, my video critiquing the numerous contradictions about AAWSAP/AATIP has gotten quite a bit of reaction. Some loved the overview. Some hated…

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In a striking blow to those seeking answers from the U.S. government about UFOs, a recent response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) case filed by The Black Vault has revealed that each and every UFO case submitted to the UAP Task Force (UAPTF) is “exempt from disclosure” and entirely classified. As a result, the entire FOIA case originally filed with the DoD in May of 2020 seeking the release of all them, was denied in full. Months prior to the official announcement of a UAP Task Force in August of 2020, the DoD had said in a statement…

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John Edgar Hoover (January 1, 1895 – May 2, 1972) was an American law enforcement administrator who served as the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the United States. He was appointed director of the Bureau of Investigation – the FBI’s predecessor – in 1924 and was instrumental in founding the FBI in 1935, where he remained director for another 37 years until his death in 1972 at the age of 77. Hoover has been credited with building the FBI into a larger crime-fighting agency than it was at its inception and with instituting a number…

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