Author: John Greenewald

CASI’s mission is to advance understanding of the capabilities, development, operating concepts, strategy, doctrine, personnel, organization, and limitations of China’s aerospace forces, which include: the PLA Air Force (PLAAF); PLA Naval Aviation (PLAN Aviation); PLA Rocket Force (PLARF); PLA Army (PLAA) Aviation; the PLA Strategic Support Force (PLASSF), primarily space and cyber; and the civilian and commercial infrastructure that supports the above. CASI supports the U.S. Defense Department and the China research community writ-large by providing high quality, unclassified research on Chinese aerospace developments in the context of U.S. strategic imperatives in the Asia-Pacific region. Primarily focused on China’s Military…

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“Manned Venus Flyby” is a technical report conducted by NASA in 1967, which explores the concept of a manned mission to fly by Venus. The study discusses the mission’s objectives, spacecraft design, flight trajectory, and other key aspects of the mission, as well as the scientific benefits and potential challenges. Key Highlights: Mission Objectives: The primary objectives of the Manned Venus Flyby mission are to extend human presence beyond Earth’s orbit, study the environment of Venus, and gather valuable data on interplanetary space travel. The mission aims to build on existing scientific knowledge of Venus and provide a foundation for…

Read More On September 16, 2021, The Black Vault received via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) case DODOIG-2021-001399, an internal Department of Defense / Office of the Inspector General (DoD/OIG) PowerPoint presentation regarding their previously announced DOD/OIG Announces Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Evaluation. The documents released, which held the designation “Controlled Unclassified Information” or CUI, shed more light on the DoD/OIG “Evaluation” of the DoD’s actions regarding UAPs. The PowerPoint presentation appears to be from slides created for a June 30, 2021, “Management Entrance Conference” that focused in on the announced DoD/OIG “evaluation” of the DoD’s actions regarding UAPs. One of…

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The development and implementation of advanced aerospace vehicles is an endeavor that can potentially affect long-term aviation operations and future system capabilities for several decades. Selecting the best vehicle configuration(s) requires a thorough understanding of the capabilities and life-cycle considerations required by the end user, the vehicle’s full spectrum operations, as well as technologies impacting both operational needs and system performance. The fundamental goal of the proposed effort involves using the Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory (ASDL) established expertise in the fields of decision support and advanced vehicle Modeling and Simulation (M&S) to develop an innovative trade-off environment for advanced vehicle…

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According to the United States Office of Government Ethics: Some ethics provisions that apply to executive branch employees apply differently to an employee who qualifies as a “special Government employee” (SGE), or do not apply at all. Congress created the SGE category in 1962 when it revised the criminal conflict of interest statutes. Congress recognized the need to apply appropriate conflict of interest restrictions to experts, consultants, and other advisers who serve the Government on a temporary basis. On the other hand, Congress also determined that the Government cannot obtain the expertise it needs if it requires experts to forego…

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