
Research Initiatives Presentation, Dr. Deborah Frincke, Director, NSA/CSS Research Directorate, 22 December 2016

In 2016, Dr. Deborah Frincke, Director, NSA/CSS Research Directorate, created this Top Secret PowerPoint presentation about "research initiates" within the…

June 2, 2022

Alleged Missing Civil War Gold in Dents Run, Elk County, Pennsylvania

In May of 2022, the FBI began releasing records about the alleged missing Civil War gold, which was rumored to…

May 30, 2022

General David Petraeus’ Bilderberg Meeting Invitation to Former CIA Director Gina Haspel

In November of 2018, The Black Vault filed a FOIA request for all e-mails sent to/from then CIA Director Gina…

March 17, 2022

FBI Files on Charles Schulz

These records were provided by the family of anthologist and transparency activist Russ Kick, from his papers, facilitated by the generous…

February 18, 2022

Jennifer Garner and the CIA – 2003 Recruitment Video

These records were provided by the family of anthologist and transparency activist Russ Kick, from his papers, facilitated by the…

February 15, 2022

Espionage Activities, CIA Memorandum, 27 July 1950

The follow memorandum was released by the CIA in 1981, however, about 50% of the original was declassified. In April…

February 8, 2022

Memorandum to Inspector General Helgerson from George J. Tenet Regarding Assessment of Performance, 16 February 2005

Memorandum to Inspector General Helgerson from George J. Tenet Regarding Assessment of Performance, 16 February 2005 [20 Pages, 1.5MB]

February 1, 2022

FBI Files on John DeLorean

These records were provided by the family of anthologist and transparency activist Russ Kick, from his papers, facilitated by the generous…

January 21, 2022

FBI File: Contacts Between Representatives of the Soviet Union and Members or Staff Personnel of the United States Congress, 1964-1972

The following is FBI File 105-HQ-229897, which deals with "Contacts Between Representatives of the Soviet Union and Members or Staff…

January 17, 2022

The President’s Daily Brief, 1 July 1967

The following is a President's Daily Brief, given to the Commander in Chief, on July 1, 1967. Although previously released,…

January 16, 2022