Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Collection

Effectiveness of the CIA Counterterrorist Interrogation Techniques, March 2005

Background This is an odd example of how a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) case unfolded. In November of 2018, I…

December 12, 2019

Visual Media Presentation for Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Staffers, September 2, 1987

Background An unknown list of films were shown to Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staffers. Edward Levine, John Nelson, Britt…

November 21, 2019

Briefing For SSCI Aides on May 1981 Assassination Attempt Against The Pope (John Paul II), 1981

Background IAD/CTG Briefing for SSCI Aides on May Assassination Attempt Against the Pope. The below two page document was requested…

November 21, 2019

The CIA’s Animal Partners

Background According to the CIA: Throughout history, trained animals have been used in security roles to fulfill mission requirements, notably…

September 16, 2019

CIA MKULTRA / Mind Control Collection

Table of Contents - What is MKULTRA? - The Black Vault and the 2004 FOIA Document Release - The Missing Pages - MKULTRA…

September 1, 2019

National Intelligence Daily – June 2, 1990

Background This National Intelligence Daily was issued on June 2, 1990. It appears in the CIA's CREST database, as CREST…

May 7, 2019

Clandestine Services History, The Berlin Tunnel Operations, 1952-1956, Published 24 June 1968

Background According to the document: "PBJOINTLY (the Berlin Tunnel project) came into being sometime in 1952 (the exact date cannot…

April 12, 2019

The Soviet Approach to Nuclear Winter, December 1984

Background This Assessment looks at Soviet research on Nuclear Winter to determine what the Soviet leaders think of the hypothesis,…

March 27, 2019

CIA Intervention in the 1948 Italian General Election

Background To explain the history, Wikipedia explains this era of events as the following: "General elections were held in Italy…

December 27, 2018

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) “Behavioral Modification” Collection

Background The below archive is connected with YEARS worth or research in connection with the MKULTRA CIA Collection.  After years of…

November 27, 2018