
Did the Obama Administration Lobby to Kill FOIA/Transparency Reform?

Background The following documents were obtained through a FOIA lawsuit by the Freedom of the Press Foundation.  Below the documents,…

June 15, 2016

The CIA Records Search Tool (CREST) Manuals and Procedures

CREST Background The following is the background information on CREST, as supplied by the CIA. The automatic declassification provisions of…

June 15, 2016

Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Intelligence Production Database

Background For last approximately 20 years, the Drug Enforcement Administration(DEA) has created a report with thousands of documents, in a database known…

June 9, 2016

A Primer on the Future Threat, The Decades Ahead: 1999-2020. July 1999.

Background The following document was received under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). It…

May 18, 2016

Memos on Alleged Saudi-Affiliated Support of the 9/11 Attacks

Background The National Archives released a series of memos written by Sept. 11 Commission staff members, a compilation of numerous…

May 17, 2016

Security Policy Directive for Unauthorized Disclosures of Classified Information, Intelligence Community Directive 701

The National Security Act of 1947, as amended; the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004; Executive Order (EO) 12958;…

April 6, 2016

FBI: Rubber Stamp and Printing Reference File, 1940s

According to the FBI Document: The Rubber stamp and Printing standards Reference File is (was?) located in Room 3161 of the…

December 16, 2015

Army Doctrine Reference Publication: Terms and Military Symbols (Published December 7, 2015)

Army Doctrine Reference Publication (ADRP) 1-02 constitutes approved Army doctrinal terminology and symbology for general use. It builds on the foundational…

December 15, 2015

DHS Should Take Steps to Improve FOIA Cost Reporting and Eliminate Duplicate Processing, November 2014 GAO Report

The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) processing responsibilities are split between the department’s Privacy Office,…

November 27, 2015