
FBI Files: Ultrasonic Listening Devices / Wiretapping / Countermeasures

Background Devices exist which, by sending an electrical impulse of ultrasonic frequency through a telephone circuit by tapping, will permit…

January 29, 2023

9/11 Commission Interview with President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney Released

The following document remained secret for more than 18 years. It was a memorandum about the 9/11 Commission meeting with…

November 9, 2022

The Torture and Death of William Francis Buckley

Background According to Wikipedia: "William Francis Buckley (May 30, 1928 – June 3, 1985) was a United States Army officer,…

November 8, 2022

History of Special Project Branch, SIS ETOUSA, aka the “BEECHNUT Report” or “Rowlett Report,” written by Col. Frank B. Rowlett

The following document chronicles the history of the "Special Project Branch, SIS ETOUSA". It was originally requested from the National…

October 25, 2022

NRO Releases Previously Unseen Corona Satellite Related Videos

These videos were obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) from the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). They have never…

October 12, 2022

FBI Files: Serial Killers

A serial killer is, traditionally, a person who has murdered three or more people over a period of more than…

September 16, 2022

Photographic Interpretation Briefs – Cuba – September 1964

According to the document: A series of Photographic Interpretation Briefs will be published by NPIC, as a supplement to the…

August 19, 2022

Biohacking: A Potential Covert Communication Method – 18 September 2009

Biohacking-experimentation on DNA and other aspects of genetics by "hobbyists" is increasing as pertinent technology and data become more accessible…

July 20, 2022

National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Brand Style Guide, Released 2014

The following document is the "brand style guide" for the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), as released to The Black Vault…

June 14, 2022

NRO Social Media Startup, Decision Brief – August 7, 2014

This PowerPoint presentation formally requests DNRO's approval of NRO's social media presence, beginning with the anticipated launch of NRO's official…

June 14, 2022