
Planetary Mining, Construction & Colonization

This category provides documents relating to the colonization, mining, construction & colonization on planetary/extraterrestrial surfaces. Bibliography of Extraterrestrial Research, June 1963 [113 Pages,…

March 1, 2015

Extraterrestrial Life, Communication and Exploration

Astrobiology: The Search for Biosignatures in our Solar System and Beyond On December 4, 2013, the U.S. House of Representatives…

March 1, 2015

The Space Race

The Space Race was an informal competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to see who could make…

March 1, 2015

Stardust Mission

The primary goal of the Stardust mission was to collect samples of a comet and return them to Earth for…

March 1, 2015

Deep Space Travel & Communication

This category archives documents relating to advanced propulsion systems and related information on Deep Space travel, along with other reports…

March 1, 2015

Theater Event Systems (TES)

The Joint Tactical Ground Station (JTAGS) is the Army’s element to USSTRATCOM’s Theater Event System (TES). TES The ongoing cooperation…

March 1, 2015

Space Exploration and Various Reports

The following documents are not categorized in their proper sub-category.  Until then, they will remain indexed here:  Survey of Communication…

March 1, 2015