
USSR – UFO Sightings – Someone Must Have Made a Political Decision, 1975

Background The following document was just one of thousands of pages on UFOs released by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).…

October 28, 2019

U.S. Army Releases Agreement with To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science

By John Greenewald, Jr. – The Black Vault – Originally Published: October 18, 2019 To The Stars Academy of Arts…

October 18, 2019

Internal Air Force/Navy E-Mails on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Revealed

By John Greenewald, Jr. – The Black Vault – Originally Published October 18, 2019 Just last month, the U.S. Navy…

October 18, 2019

Report on Unidentified Aerial and Celestial Objects, by Dr. J. Allen Hynek, April 30, 1949

Background This was a report created by Dr. J. Allen Hynek for the U.S. Air Force Air Materiel Command, Wright-Patterson…

September 25, 2019

U.S. Navy Investigated Circumstances Behind Leaked UFO Footage

By John Greenewald, Jr. – The Black Vault – Originally Published September 17, 2019 On December 16, 2017, the New…

September 17, 2019

U.S. Navy Releases Dates of Three Officially Acknowledged Encounters with “Phenomena”

By John Greenewald, Jr. – The Black Vault – Originally Published September 11, 2019 Today, the U.S. Navy released the…

September 11, 2019

U.S. Navy Confirms Videos Depict ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena’; Not Cleared For Public Release

By John Greenewald, Jr., The Black Vault -- Originally Published September 10th, 2019  In a series of statements obtained exclusively…

September 10, 2019

CIA MKULTRA / Mind Control Collection

Table of Contents - What is MKULTRA? - The Black Vault and the 2004 FOIA Document Release - The Missing Pages - MKULTRA…

September 1, 2019

Report of Inspection of MKULTRA, 26 July 1963 (Proper FOIA Citations)

Background The following document has long been released, at this point. However, in an odd FOIA case, specifically F-2014-00281, I…

September 1, 2019

Navy UFO Guidelines and Congressional UFO Briefings – The Emails

Background On April 23, 2019, Bryan Bender from Politico broke the news that the U.S. Navy was drafting guidelines for…

August 23, 2019