
United Kingdom UFO Documents

The files contain a wide range of UFO-related documents. So if you want to find out more about lights in…

March 3, 2015

The Phoenix Lights Incident, March 13th, 1997

Background I have decided to use the description from Wikipedia to explain the case (there will be a reason, keep…

March 3, 2015

Fastwalkers & Slowwalkers

Background "Fastwalkers" is a term created by the North American Aerospace Defense Command to classify Unidentified Flying Objects which enter…

March 3, 2015

Extraterrestrial Life, Communication and Exploration

Astrobiology: The Search for Biosignatures in our Solar System and Beyond On December 4, 2013, the U.S. House of Representatives…

March 1, 2015

Remote Viewing

Background Remote Viewing (RV), refers to the attempt to gather information about a distant or unseen target using paranormal means…

March 1, 2015

Kirlian Photography

Kirlian photography refers to a form of photogram made with high voltage. It is named after Semyon Kirlian, who in…

March 1, 2015

Unexplained Shaking in California – 03/2009

Background According to the Orange County Register: "Thousands of people across Orange County felt windows and doors rattle at about…

February 28, 2015

DARPA Mind Control Project

Toward Narrative Disruptors and Inductors: Mapping the Narrative Comprehension Network and its Persuasive Effects In July of 2013, internet rumors…

February 28, 2015