UFO Phenomena

The CIA, UFOs and “Material”

https://youtu.be/CTrH0xq5m7U In this short episode, I breakdown a few documents likely related, describing UFO "material" years after the U.S. government…

September 22, 2022

DoD Refuses To Release Key Documents On UFO Office; Cites National Security Interest

https://youtu.be/OJGb7cvId5Y Want to know more about the UFO office within the Pentagon? Well, when it comes to the last rendition…

September 21, 2022

U.S. Navy Says ALL UAP/UFO Videos Are Classified And Exempt From Release

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLUW3xmeGRI After a nearly two and a half year effort, The Black Vault was denied under FOIA to get videos…

September 8, 2022

Report on Unidentified Aerial and Celestial Objects, Project 364, April 30, 1949 by Dr. J Allen Hynek

This report was part of Appendix B of the Mapping, Charting and Reconnaissance Research Laboratory, Final Report, from April of…

August 25, 2022

The “Guy Hottel” Memo and the Crashed Flying Saucers of New Mexico, March 22, 1950

Background The following memorandum was first released by the FBI in the 1970s, but did not gain notoriety until much…

August 8, 2022

The NSA and a 1978 MUFON Conference: More Lost UFO Material

For decades, an NSA document has circulated recounting an NSA employee's experience at a MUFON symposium in 1978. The memo…

August 3, 2022

FAA Releases Near Miss Reports That Reference UFOs/UAP

This week, researcher Kyle Warfel received a list of reports within the FAA's database called Comprehensive Electronic Data Analysis and…

July 22, 2022

DoD Announces the Establishment of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office – July 20, 2022

Per the Department of Defense, Deputy Secretary of Defense, on July 20, 2022 (see establishment memorandums below the press release…

July 20, 2022

Unidentified Aerospace-Undersea Phenomena Section in Approved Fiscal Year 2023 Intelligence Authorization Act

Today, July 20, 2022, the House Intelligence Committee approved the Fiscal Year 2023 Intelligence Authorization Act, authorizing funding for initiatives…

July 20, 2022

Captain Scott Chesbrough, Chief of Staff, Office of Naval Intelligence UAP/UFO E-mails

Captain Scott Chesbrough assumed the duties of ONI Chief of Staff in June 2018 after serving as the Assistant Deputy…

July 12, 2022