
Pearl Harbor

Background Aircraft and midget submarines of the Imperial Japanese Navy began a surprise attack on the U.S. under the command…

September 6, 2016

The Top Secret CIA Plans to Assassinate Fidel Castro / Operation MONGOOSE

Background Throughout his time as the President of Cuba, many attempts were made by the United States to assassinate Fidel…

July 6, 2016

Soviet Intelligence Targets in the United States, 1946-1953

Background The following is based on the introduction in the document: The insatiable desire of the Soviet Union for intelligence…

July 3, 2016

Cold War Era – Reports & Records

The below are records from the Cold War era about strategy, warfare, the Soviet Union, etc. They are listed from…

June 21, 2016

Operation Gladio

Background Operation Gladio (Italian: Operazione Gladio) is the codename for a clandestine NATO "stay-behind" operation in Europe during the Cold…

April 25, 2016

Simple Sabotage Field Manual, 1944

Background Since World War II, US intelligence agencies have devised innovative ways to defeat their adversaries. In 1944, CIA’s precursor,…

April 7, 2016

A History of Soviet Aviation and Cosmonautics, January 1965

This publication is a translation of Aviation and Cosmonautics (Aviatsiya I Kosmonavtika) formerly Herald of the Air Fleet, a monthly journal of…

April 6, 2016

Vulnerability Assessment of Charged Particle Beam Weapons, September 1979

Background This document was discovered as a reference in another government records. I then filed a FOIA request for the…

January 28, 2016

Allegations of Biological Experiments in Viet Nam, 1966

In 2014, I came across reference to a document within the CIA's holding, that referenced an alleged incident which occurred…

October 27, 2015

Project AGILE

Background According to Wikipedia: "Project AGILE was an ARPA project in the 1960s that investigated means for engaging in remote,…

July 22, 2015