Categories: Military / Defense

CJCSI 3121.01B: Standing Rules of Engagement / Standing Rules for the Use of Force for US Forces – 13 June 2005 (current a/o 18 June 2008)

The CJCSI (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction) 3121.01B refers to the “Standing Rules of Engagement (SROE)/Standing Rules for the Use of Force (SRUF) for U.S. Forces.” These are the guidelines and rules that dictate how and when U.S. military forces can engage in combat or use force, both in peace and during conflicts. The document is aimed at ensuring that all U.S. forces operate under a consistent set of rules, no matter where they are located or what mission they are conducting. It provides commanders with direction on the self-defense and the defense of others, the use of force for mission accomplishment, and provides guidance on various scenarios such as hostile acts and hostile intent.

CJCSI 3121.01B: Standing Rules of Engagement / Standing Rules for the Use of Force for US Forces – 13 June 2005 (current a/o 18 June 2008) [142 Pages, 3.5MB]


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