EPA Forced To Send Email To Their Employees Re: Bathroom Etiquette

In June of 2014, Region 8 of the EPA in Denver, Colorado, was forced to write a memorandum to their employees regarding their bathroom behavior and etiquette.  Most noteably, the email to all employees specifically mentioned to stop defecating in the hallways.

Wait… WHAT?

Although you might expect this at a public junior high school, this actually did happen.

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I filed a FOIA request for documents relating to this… and the below is what I came up with:

 Howard Cantor E-Mail to all employees, dated February 18, 2014 [ 1 Pages, 0.11kb ]

 Emails Regarding Howard Cantor’s Email by employees and contractors [ 214 Pages, 17.5MB ]

According to the online news site Government Executive, “EPA management ‘consulted’ with workplace violence ‘national expert’ John Nicoletti, who said that hallway feces is in fact a health and safety risk. He added the behavior was ‘very dangerous’ and the individuals responsible would ‘probably escalate’ their actions.”

 Emails & Contracts with John Nicoletti (consultant hired by the EPA), regarding bathroom behavior [ 333 Pages, 31.05MB ]

 Emails & Contracts with John Nicoletti (consultant hired by the EPA), regarding bathroom behavior (batch #2) [ 288 Pages, 27.59MB ]


Special thanks to Eric Katz, of Government Executive, for breaking the story about the memorandum that prompted my original FOIA request. 

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This post was published on February 23, 2015 11:58 pm

John Greenewald

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