Evaluation of 18F, JE17-001, October 24, 2016


In December 2015, the OIG Office of Inspections and Forensic Auditing initiated an evaluation of the General Services Administration (GSA) Office of 18F (18F), based on concerns expressed to us by several senior GSA officials about the management of 18F. The objective of this evaluation was to review 18F’s business operations. Our evaluation included a review of 18F’s business model to determine if it operates within the requirements of its funding source, the Acquisition Services Fund (ASF).

We also reviewed 18F’s reimbursable agreements process, including its process for billing and collecting from clients. We identified issues with 18F’s plan to achieve full cost recovery, 18F’s agreements with federal agencies, and 18F’s billing process for charging and collecting from clients. Our report makes seven recommendations to address the issues identified in this report. In response to our report, GSA management agreed with our recommendations. Management’s comments can be found in their entirety in the Appendix.

The OIG Report

 Evaluation of 18F, JE17-001, October 24, 2016 [23 Pages, 1.3MB]

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More Information on 18F

According to the website for 18F:

18F partners with agencies to approach technology projects in new ways. We help agencies improve processes and deliver efficient, easy-to-use digital services to the public. As an office within the General Services Administration, we know how to work with government. All our projects support agencies in transforming how they deliver digital services and technology products.

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This post was published on November 1, 2016 10:45 pm

John Greenewald

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