(The below archive began on August 4, 2022, and has been updated since the original release of FOIA documents).
On April 20, 2022, the Army’s Golden Knights parachute team put on a demonstration at Washington’s Nationals Park. The result triggered an evacuation of the Capitol building.
The below includes a full timeline by the FAA released on the event.
The Black Vault has appealed the request, since much of what was requested was seemingly ignored, and only the below document was released.
U.S. Secret Service Releases
Secret Service Releases #1 and #2, [32 Pages, 4MB]
Secret Service Referred FBI Material – Fully Denied [6 Pages, 1.5MB]
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Releases
FAA Releases Timeline of April 20, 2022, Golden Knights Flyover Triggering Capitol Evacuation [9 Pages, 0.6MB]
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Releases
FAA Releases Timeline of April 20, 2022, Golden Knights Flyover Triggering Capitol Evacuation [9 Pages, 0.6MB]
Update September 26, 2022
The above request was granted, and additional files and audio recordings were released. Although some first names are heard, their full identities and exactly where they are from is a bit of a mystery. The Black Vault has contacted the FAA to see if additional details can be released.
That said, the appeal release is below.
Document Archive
2022-06548 Release 2 [24 Pages, 9MB]
Audio Recordings
Some of the names in the recordings below include:
- Bryant S. Vaughan, Air Traffic Security Coordinator, FAA National Capital Region Coordination Center
- Gary W. Miller, Director, System Operations Security, AJR-2
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Releases
FBI Denial of Records [6 Pages, 1.7MB]
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