
The following list of documents pertain to FBI files and the Cold War era. They were obtained from the FBI under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Communist Index – FBI File 100-HQ-358086 – FBI Release #1 – [1,204 Pages, 864.2MB]
Communist Index – FBI File 100-HQ-358086 – FBI Release #2 – [1,627 Pages, 338MB] – This file is numbered 100-HQ-358086, and appears to be titled, “Communist Index” though some of the records vary. The records deal with suspected communists throughout various locales in the United States. Note: According to the final response for FOIA Case 1398432-002, there are 20,702 remaining pages to be released. The cost is $625 for the release of the records on CD-ROM.
Role of the Communist Party, USA in Soviet Intelligence, February 1953 – [62 Pages, 5.2MB]
Nosenko, Yuri – FBI Release #1 – [325 Pages, 15.2MB]
Nosenko, Yuri – FBI Release #2 – [8 Pages, 0.8MB]
FOIA Case File & Processing Notes [28 Pages, 13.5MB] – Lt. Col. Yuri Ivanovich Nosenko (Russian: Юрий Иванович Носенко; October 30, 1927 – August 23, 2008) was a KGB defector and a figure of significant controversy within the U.S. intelligence community, since his claims contradicted another defector, Anatoliy Golitsyn, who believed he was a KGB plant.  The harsh treatment he received as part of the early US interrogation was one of the “abuses” documented in the Central Intelligence Agency “Family Jewels” documents in 1973.  Nosenko claimed that he could provide important negative information about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, affirming that he had personally handled a review of the case of Lee Harvey Oswald, who had lived in the Soviet Union prior to the Kennedy assassination. Nosenko said that, while the KGB had conducted surveillance of Oswald, it had never tried to recruit him. This issue was critical because KGB involvement with Oswald might suggest Soviet involvement in the Kennedy assassination – a prospect that could have propelled the Cold War into a nuclear war. Nosenko insisted that after interviewing Oswald it was decided that he was not intelligent enough and also “too mentally unstable,” a “nut,” and therefore unsuitable for intelligence work. Nosenko also stated that the KGB had never questioned Oswald about information he might have gained as a U.S. Marine, including work as an aviation electronics operator at Naval Air Facility Atsugi in Japan. According to the FBI, additional records which may have existed on Nosenko, were destroyed.
Paisley, John Arthur – [291 Pages, 19.1MB] – John Arthur Paisley (August 25, 1923 – September 24, 1978) was a former official of the Central Intelligence Agency. Paisley served in the CIA from 1963 to 1974.  During his career, he was heavily involved in Soviet operations. Paisley retired as deputy director in the Office of Strategic Research, the branch that monitored Soviet military movements and nuclear capabilities.  Please note: Additional records may exist, which have been requested. Check back on this page for further additions.
Soviet Diplomatic Activities – [437 Pages, 217.0MB] – This is the partially declassified FBI File: 65-HQ-30092, Soviet Diplomatic Activities. The entire file consists of tens of thousands of pages, and will take thousands of dollars to get declassified. I had amended my request to receive just the documents that had been reviewed and declassified thus far, and as of January of 2017 – this was 100% of the file that had been declassified thus far.


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This post was published on February 24, 2021 5:00 am

John Greenewald

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