FBI Issues Redacted ‘Vexsome Filer’ List, Marking Departure from Past Transparency Practices

Previous “Vexsome List” releases included numerous names, including The Black Vault’s creator John Greenewald

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has recently released a significantly redacted version of its latest ‘Vexsome Filer’ list, in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by The Black Vault on August 7, 2023, under FBI FOIA case number 1600755-000. Initially, the request was met with a response stating no records existed. This prompted an appeal, case A-2023-01949, wherein the Department of Justice (DOJ) remanded the request, leading to the release of this latest, albeit heavily redacted, document.

The ‘Vexsome Filer’ list, a term coined by the FBI, refers to individuals or organizations frequently requesting information, potentially seen as burdensome or repetitive by the agency. Historically, these lists have included numerous names and organizations, providing insights into who is actively seeking information from the FBI. However, the current release stands out due to its extensive redactions and notably shorter length compared to past disclosures.

Intriguingly, the only entity clearly identified in this new release is the CATO Institute. The CATO Institute is a public policy research organization, or think tank, based in Washington, D.C. Known for its libertarian philosophy, it focuses on advocating policies that advance individual liberty, limited government, free markets, and peace. The reasons for its explicit mention, while other names remain undisclosed, remain unclear.

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The Black Vault plans to file a second appeal. A comparative analysis of past releases of the ‘Vexsome Filer’ list will be a focal point, aiming to understand the rationale behind the redactions and the selective disclosure of the CATO Institute.

The result of that appeal will be posted, when available.


Document Archive

FBI Releases Redacted ‘Vexsome Filer’ List [5 Pages, 1.55MB]



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This post was published on February 7, 2024 1:06 am

John Greenewald

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