
The following is a list of documents pertaining to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), along with some useful tips, guides and handbooks distributed by the U.S. Government/Military.


Documents relating to the FOIA

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 Freedom of Information Act and the Adverse Effects on Field Operations, circa 1977 [207 Pages]

GAO Report: The Freedom of Information Act: Processing Trends Show Importance of Improvement Plans, March 2007 [ 93 Pages, 3.43MB ]

National Reconnaissance Office Review and Redaction Guide for Automatic Declassification of 25-Year Old Information, 2008 [ 193 Pages, 4.76MB ]

 Office of the Chief FOIA Officer of the U.S. Department of Defense records that discuss matters relating to FOIA, and/or its planning, budgeting, or  implementation at the agency, CY 2007 [ 71 Pages, 9.5MB ]

FOIA Handbooks

The Citizens Guide to the Freedom of Information Act, 1999 [ 81 Pages ]

The Department of Defense FOIA Handbook, Undated [ 12 Pages ]

Directory of Organizational Technical Report Acronym Codes (DOTRAC), July 1994[ 594 Pages, 15.94MB ]

Investigators Guide to Sources of Information (GAO/OSI-97-2), April 1997[ 117 Pages, 700k ]

Your Right to Federal Records, Questions and Answers on the Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act (May 2006), Undated [44 Pages, 300KB]

FOIA Policy, Changes & Amendments

FCC Directive FCCINST 1179.2, April 16, 2012 [20 Pages, 2.2MB]

Attorney General’s memo interpreting Transparency and Accountability, March 19, 2009

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This post was published on November 22, 2016 2:00 pm

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