FOIA Victory: Full Disclosure of Military Psychological Operations Training Document

The Black Vault has successfully obtained a new release of a previously heavily redacted document, which sheds new light on a military manual concerning Joint Psychological Operations Task Force (JPOTF) headquarters training. The document, originally requested under Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) case 09-F-1583 in 2009, and partially released in 2014, contained multiple redactions under FOIA exemption (b)(2), primarily concerning internal personnel rules and practices of an agency. However, following a 2016 case filed by The Black Vault to request a re-review under 16-F-1727, the document has now been released in full, with no redactions.

Exemption (b)(2) is often cited to protect sensitive information related to internal rules, processes, and management of an agency, particularly when disclosure would risk circumvention of those rules. In the original release of the document, these redactions appeared throughout, obscuring details of how JPOTF headquarters operate during psychological operations (PSYOP), including its organizational structure, training methodology, and mission-related tasks.

The 2016 re-review of the document resulted in a full release with no redactions. This version, now available for download below, includes significant information previously withheld. The document, titled “Joint Psychological Operations Task Force Headquarters Master Training Guide,” provides comprehensive guidance for military leaders on training and organizing PSYOP units.

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2014 Release
2024 Release

One of the most significant sections now fully visible is the description of how JPOTF integrates with other military components. For example, the document now reveals that the JPOTF coordinates closely with Special Operations Command (SOCOM) and various intelligence agencies to conduct strategic, operational, and tactical PSYOP. It emphasizes the importance of intelligence, communications systems, and psychological analysis in crafting effective operations designed to influence foreign groups and governments.

In addition, sections dealing with command relationships and operational procedures for PSYOP missions were initially obscured but are now fully visible. The 2024 release includes details about the approval process for PSYOP, which must be authorized by the National Command Authorities or, in some cases, delegated to combatant commanders. The newly available text also outlines specific mission objectives for different types of PSYOP operations, such as influencing adversary military tactics and undermining hostile leadership morale.

The FOIA release letter noted that the Joint Psychological Operations Task Force Headquarters Master Training Guide was officially cancelled on January 26, 2004, and no subsequent version has replaced it. While this document is no longer in use, it is likely that other, more detailed PSYOP training manuals exist, which the public has yet to access. These could provide even greater insight into modern psychological operations and their evolving tactics.

Despite being no longer on the books, the release of this training manual provides a clearer view of how JPOTF units are trained and deployed, offering additional insight into aspects of U.S. military operations that were previously redacted. The details about psychological warfare techniques, organization, and strategic objectives, now available in full, offer a more complete understanding of these operations for public examination.

For those interested, the full unredacted document, FOIA case 16-F-1727, can be viewed below.


Document Archive

FOIA Victory: Full Disclosure of Military Psychological Operations Training Document [331 Pages, 67MB]


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This post was published on October 8, 2024 1:20 pm

John Greenewald

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