History Channel’s “Unidentified” and a Secret Meeting Between Intelligence Officials Running AATIP. Or… was it?

Note: The below was intended to be a social media post. Due to the length, it is posted here.

So I will throw a monkey wrench into this wheel. I see a lot of talk and dismissal of a story posted on Reddit, and I can add a few things, including what I verified to be true.  The post throws into question on what was depicted in the History channel show “Unidentified” and how people depicted as running the present day AATIP effort, may not have been. Although it’s a tv show, and some people may not care about context, it does created additional questions worthy of asking.

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First? This story came to me in 2019, and it checks out, at least on the points I can check. It ties in to the History Channel; the show “Unidentified”; and specifically a scene in Season 1, Episode 6, that depicts what appears to be a secret meeting just outside the Pentagon between, “a new team of Pentagon officers who are studying UFOs” and “running this [AATIP] effort,” “…with official blessing.” (Quotes taken from the tv show “Unidentified,” as said by Luis Elizondo.)

Let me explain, and take this for what it’s worth.

Second? You all know I do not like anonymous sources. So, when this person came to me, I do what I always do. I vet and verify. However, please note from the get go, they were NOT anonymous to me and made ZERO effort to hide their identity with me (which is always a red flag if they did try to do that). They just did not want me to blast out their identity. Every claim I could check… checked out. All evidence pointed to they WERE active U.S. Army counterintelligence, and they even contacted me through a military e-mail initially to also help verify credentials. That also checked out as it was verified not to be a spoofed address. In addition, the Reddit moderator where this was posted recently was given enough evidence to convince them as a law enforcement officer, that the person’s credentials checked out. So, there are multiple people who vetted the source, and to that extent, it could be verified by all.

Third? Back in 2019, I dissected the claim of where the alleged Elizondo/Delonge meeting was. I was told in 2019, as was posted publicly here in 2021, it was the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Virginia. I took a different approach here.

The scene in episode 6, season 1, of “Unidentified” showed Elizondo and DeLonge inside a hotel room. Captured on the side of the frame was a hotel room mirror. It was a very distinct design, and likely unique to the hotel, emulating the “Crystal” part of the Crystal Gateway Marriott. In other words, it was a crystal shaped mirror. Heading to the website of the Crystal Gateway Marriott, there are numerous photos of the rooms. There was a 100% match on the mirror on the wall and the desk lamp on the table.

Another scene showed DeLonge walking through the hotel going to the meeting. Slightly blurred behind him, was a long light pillar, also found within photos of the hotel in the lobby area. Again, yet another match.

So, in 2019, you’d have to be a very lucky guesser, or someone with intimate knowledge of the television shoot’s location to nail that one.

Let’s move on.

Fourth? The physical description of the person. I won’t go into any other detail, other than this. While vetting the person, I found numerous photographs of them. In Unidentified, that person was a match, in both stature and physical appearance, along with a somewhat unique physical feature of the person – and yes, you could tell even with the blurred face. Yet another indicator the person was truly there, and telling the truth about sitting at the meeting in a hotel lobby.

Because this person did not want to have their identity known in 2019 or even here at the end of 2021, I respected that then as I do now. I also knew with my own personal conviction, I wouldn’t run a story with one single source, who could not be named, and was known only by me. It was no offense to this counter-intelligence agent speaking up; rather, that’s how I’ve always operated. So, I just sat on it until they were ready to come forward to people beyond just me and invited themselves to be vetted. That time has now come.

People thought I was/am out to get Elizondo, and I am not. Not then and certainly not now. If I was, I would’ve been happy to publish this in 2019 with no named sources, since most UFO blogs and sites claiming to be a “news site” do the same anyway making all sorts of claims. But, that’s not my style or intent. I am out to get the truth, whatever that may be, with no personal bias on what I want it to actually be. So, I just dig and dig and dig, and with stories like this, I verify what I can, and store it for later use.

That said, this story has always been a bit of a surprise to me, even to this day.

I decided to post the above at this point, given the raging debate that people think this CI agent is not an agent, and is some kid on Reddit making it up. I can at least say through research and personal interaction, that isn’t true, and their story has remained consistent since 2019. In addition, all things that I could challenge of the story? All checked out.

Most of all, I was let down that what was framed as a secret meeting between intelligence officers, was nothing of the sort. It was more of a “job interview” (as this Army CI agent said), with at least one of the parties at the table not knowing it would end up in a TV show or the fact they were even being filmed. In addition, with that context, at least one of the people at this meeting was certainly not “running [the AATIP]effort,” but according to them, they were just “talking about some wild stuff [with]little evidence to support any of it.”

I wonder what the other two at the table knew about this “meeting” and whether or not they are happy with being secretly filmed and put on tv?

As a television producer who worked extensively for A&E networks / History Channel, I could NEVER film someone without their consent. Or, if they just seemed to be in the shot (ie: a person walking behind my main framed character), then we would have to blur the face and only show those who were cleared with an appearance release. Many have tried to dismiss this story because the Army officer says he had no knowledge of being filmed. Well, I am here to tell you as someone with first hand knowledge, although shady, the producers could get away with it if they adequately blurred the face and did not use the person’s voice.

I re-watched the segment on Unidentified, and I can say that again, from experience, that meeting was intentionally misrepresented with narration and sound bites, if this counterintelligence agent is telling the truth (I see no signs they are not). Also as a television producer with experience, I now question what else could have been misrepresented more for entertainment/intrigue/mystery/tease rather than accuracy. Trust me, in television production, that’s an easy thing to get away with (obviously, as seen here).

Why is this important? Because when I saw the meeting aired and represented how it was on the TV show, I was incredibly intrigued and encouraged. I felt that this was maybe some proof the Pentagon was lying, and the AATIP effort was underway, even in “secret.” Yet, now, one of the people at the table comes forward, and we learn that at least according to them, they wanted to be involved in the effort, but were not at all, nor were they ever. And what was supposed to be a meeting between those at the table who were currently running AATIP, well, it was actually just a scene secretly filmed for a tv show, and misrepresented on the air as something it was not.

Let it be known, I do not blame DeLonge or Elizondo by default for this. It is very possible that they, too, were unaware of the filming being taken in secret from the 2nd level of the hotel. So, my post here is not an attack on them in the slightest, nor is it an insinuation they did this. They could very well have been unaware of all this in the context it was shown.

Producers often will take b-roll shots, especially without the talent’s knowledge, so it appears to be more genuine and real in the context of a television program. In fact, I did this myself on quite a few occasions, but certainly not maliciously or for the intent of misrepresenting. And my talent was always made aware after the fact they were filmed, if I shot b-roll of them.

That said, SOMEONE made the call to frame this all in this way. So I hope in the interest of accuracy, someone will speak out about it from the cast and/or crew just to clear it up. And, maybe they should even apologize, since this Army counterintelligence agent had to file a formal report with superiors since they were told things about “classified material” that weren’t actually classified, and all that same information ended up on DeLonge’s social media account and on a tv show.

What do you all do with the above? Well, that is up to you. I am sure my post will entice the same attackers to start throwing stones my way for posting about this, like I am somehow to blame for all this. However, the facts are what they are. I challenged the story in every way I could, and it all checked out.

But I do believe this is an important part of this saga and it should be dealt with. If players in this story advocate for truth and transparency, then I think at least some of the above should be addressed.

In addition, I feel there is a possibility (though I am not 100%) this CI agent’s identity may be known ONE DAY when they decide to put a face and a name to the anonymous posting. And when that happens, people will see they are a real person.

As for the other two at the table? Well, I may have something to add to that, too, should they ever decide to come forward. But that is a story for another day.

Until then, I wish you continued luck with unraveling the AATIP/AAWSAP/UAP saga. We are all going to need it as the waters seem to be getting muddier rather than clearing up.


The Original Reddit Post – Archived 12/20/2021 @ 6:51a Pacific

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This post was published on December 20, 2021 2:52 pm

John Greenewald

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