Categories: Government

IRS Congressional Liaison Officer Leonard Oursler Emails Regarding Donald Trump (October 2016 – February 2017)


According to the IRS:

Leonard Oursler began his service with the IRS in October of 1997. His first position was leading a newly formed Congressional Outreach team in Legislative Affairs. In 2001 Leonard became the Chief of the Congressional Affairs Branch of Legislative Affairs. The Congressional Affairs Branch is responsible for coordinating all outreach activity with Congress and all activity on Congressional hearings. Congressional Affairs also advises all levels of the Agency on appropriate strategies for working Congressional issues. The Branch also directs all congressional activity of Governmental Liaisons.

Prior to moving to the IRS, Leonard worked 15 years on Capitol Hill. While on Capitol Hill, Leonard spent 12 years working with the Democratic floor staff in the Senate where he advised Senators, senior staff, White House and agency officials, the press and advocacy group representatives on Senate floor activity, legislative procedures and Democratic strategy. Working in the Senate was an exciting opportunity offering valuable insight to the legislative process.

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The Senate is also where Leonard met his wife who was a member of the staff of Senator Lowell Weicker R-Ct. Leonard was born in Washington DC and currently lives in Maryland. He has three children: ages 14, 11 and 7. Upon completion of CDP, Leonard will begin his assignment as SPEC Area 2 Director, Cincinnati, Ohio.

In October of 2016, I requested a search of all of Mr. Oursler’s emails, that contained the keyword “TRUMP.” In January of 2017, I received the first batch of emails. I then requested again for emails created after the October date (obviously to include post election responsive records) and then received those as well on February 3, 2017.

You can find the responsive records below.

Document Archive

I combined both requests into one PDF, for ease of downloading and viewing.

IRS Congressional Liaison Officer Leonard Oursler Emails Regarding Donald Trump (October 2016 – February 2017) [60 Pages, 3.6MB]


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This post was published on March 5, 2017 9:53 pm

John Greenewald

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