Laser Induced Plasma Effect Program, Released February 2021

The Laser Induced Plasma Effect program is part of the Joint Non-lethal Weapons Directorate program.

The objective was the “non-lethal weaponization of ultra-short pulse (pico-femtosecond) laser systems to produce extended high repetition rate laser induced plasma detonations (LIPD) in air or on material targets in close proximity to targeted humans and on targeted material with no civilian casualties and (scalable) non-lethal counter-personnel and counter-materiel effect with little to no collateral damage.”

Below are the results of a November 2020 request for, “ALL reports, status reports, updates on the Laser Induced Plasma Effect program which is part of the Joint Non-lethal Weapons Directorate program,” which included a request for, “all mission statements or stated objectives of the Laser Induced Plasma Effect program along with the Joint Non-lethal Weapons Directorate program.”

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Below is what I received from the US Marine Corps, which includes the FOIA release letter, video, and documents.

FOIA Response Letter

Video Archive

Document Archive

The following is a copy of the DVD that came in with the files. They are dumped here for easy downloading, along with a .zip option.

[ .zip File – 62.7MB ]

      12OCT18_NewScientist_LIPE_USWantsLaserWpn.pdf                                618K  
      14NOV_PopMech_The Secret History of Plasma Weapons_Hambling.pdf              618K  
      20JUL19_PNTSciMakingPlasmaBalls_MilTimes_South_Law.pdf                       127K  
      AlsoRan_BullofAtomicScientists_25JUL19_the-pentagons-getting-closer-to.pdf   657K  
      AlsoRan_NavyTImes_talking-lasers-and-e.pdf                                   187K  
      AlsoRan_iHLS_PlasmaLaserBalls_JUL19.pdf                                      120K  
      DE2DC_LIPE_ADS_TheDrive_Trevithick_23Mar18_DefOneMilTimesrefs.pdf            1.8M  
      DE2DC_LIPE_DailyStar_Harper_DefOneref.pdf                                    606K  
      DE2DC_LIPE_DigitalTrends_Dormehl_DefOneref.pdf                               485K  
      DE2DC_LIPE_Discover_Sigfusson_DefOneref.pdf                                  350K  
      DE2DC_LIPE_Eng&Tech_StaffReport_DefOneref.pdf                                362K  
      DE2DC_LIPE_Futurism_Houser_DefOneref.pdf                                     541K  
      DE2DC_LIPE_GovExec_DefOne_Tucker_reprint.pdf                                 785K  
      DE2DC_LIPE_IBTimes_Sharma_DefOneref.pdf                                      1.1M  
      DE2DC_LIPE_IntEngineering_Nicholson_DefOneref.pdf                            517K  
      DE2DC_LIPE_Newsdotcom_Whigham_DefOneref.pdf                                  548K  
      DE2DC_LIPE_Newsweek_Hignett.pdf                                              627K  
      DE2DC_LIPE_OuterPlaces_Kesh_DefOne_Tucker_reprint.pdf                        616K  
      DE2DC_LIPE_PopMechanics_Mizokami_DefOne_Tucker_reprint.pdf                   429K  
      DE2DC_LIPE_ScienceAlert_Futurismreprint_23Mar18.pdf                          393K  
      DE2DC_LIPE_SpecOpsMag_Myers_DefOneref.pdf                                    469K  
      DE2DC_LIPE_ThinkBig_Ratner_DefOneref.pdf                                     1.0M  
      DE2DC_LIPE_TrueNews_StaffReport_DefOneref.pdf                                346K  
      DE2DC_LIPE_i-hls_StaffReports_NewsAU_DefOnerefs_29Mar18.pdf                  359K  
      FOXNEWS_LIPE_pentagon-talking-lasers-that-beam_1AUG19.pdf                     84K  
      JNLWD BAA 14-008.pdf                                                         2.5M  
      LIPE 2018 DE2DC Poster _dl reference 3.pptx                                  875K  
      LIPE Article_DefenseOne_Tucker_21Mar18.pdf                                   417K  
      LIPE Article_MilTimes_South_22Mar18.pdf                                      849K  
      NYPost_TalkingLasers_5AUG19.pdf                                              131K  
      SyFyWire_MessagestoPplsHeads_2AUG19.pdf                                      140K  
      Table 8 New LIPE Video 2019 DE2DC Video Final.avi                             50M  
      UKSun_PentagonBeamsMsgs.pdf                                                  217K  
      USMC SBIR Topic N113_171_Long Range Laser Induced Plasma.docx                 15K  
      USMC SCUPLS SBIR Topic.docx                                                   16K


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This post was published on July 11, 2021 3:42 pm

John Greenewald

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