Letter Regarding UFOs from U.S. Representative Mark Walker (R-N.C.) to U.S. Navy Secretary Richard Spencer


On July 29, 2019, U.S. Representative Mark Walker (R-N.C.) published the following press release:

WASHINGTON, D.C.- U.S. Representative Mark Walker (R-N.C.) joined Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News Channel (see above) to discuss his national security concerns over unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) encountering our U.S. Navy aviators.

“Is this something that’s a defense mechanism from another country? We do know that China is looking at hypersonic missiles, that’s 25,000 KM or to break it down into our language that’s getting from D.C. where I’m at to L.A. in about nine minutes,” Walker told Carlson. “We don’t know if the nuclear warheads can be attached to those, is it something like that or is it something more? We don’t know but I feel like it’s something we must take a look at, and that’s why we’ve written Secretary Spencer of the Navy.”

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Walker has sent a letter to U.S. Navy Secretary Richard Spencer about tracking and investigating these sightings and the national security and scientific implications.

The letter states in part:

The detailed news of the encounters comes on the heels of an announcement by the Department of Defense in 2017 that noted the end of the Advanced Aerospace Threat and Identification Program (AA TIP), which was tasked with investigating UAP encounters. As a member of the House Committee on Homeland Security and the Ranking Member for the Subcommittee on Intelligence and Counterterrorism, these reports are concerning from a national airspace and domestic security perspective.

While I am encouraged by the Navy’s proactive decision to draft new guidelines for reporting, I am concerned these reports are not being fully investigated and understood. Since the decision to end the AA TIP, has the Department continued to both log reports/sightings and fully investigate the origins of the accounts? Does the Department continue to dedicate resources to tracking and investigating the claims? If so, to what measure? Has the Department found physical evidence or otherwise that substantiates these claims?

Lastly, does the Department have any information regarding private companies or foreign nations who have made significant advancements in aero physics?

In addition to the release, Senator Walker released the full letter:

Letter Regarding UFOs from U.S. Representative Mark Walker (R-N.C.) to U.S. Navy Secretary Richard Spencer, July 16, 2019

Here is the response letter, obtained by The Black Vault via FOIA case DON-NAVY-2021-004734:


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This post was published on July 31, 2019 5:42 am

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