Misc. Records on Biological / Chemical Weapons


The following documents pertain to Biological and Chemical weapons.

Document Archive

2002 DoD Chemical & Biological Defense Program Annual Report to Congress, April 2002 [302 Pages]

 Awareness Level Wmd Training: Chemical Agents, 01 January 2009 [22 Pages, 1.85MB] – This module provides students with an understanding of chemical agents and Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TIC) used as Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).

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Biological Effects of Blast, December 1961 [127 Pages]

Biological Warfare Defense Vaccine Research & Development Programs, July 2001 [190 Pages]

Chemical and Biological Defense Program Annual Report to Congress, March 2000 [272 Pages]

Chemical Weapons, 30 March 1965 [12 Pages, 5.59mb] – Foreign Intelligence from Wright Patterson Air Force Base.

Chemical Weapons at the Turn of the Century, 31 Jan 1996 [343 Pages, 12.68mb]

Civil Defense Aspects of Biological, Chemical, and Radiological Warfare against Crops, 1952 [74 Pages, 6.73MB]

Combating Terrorism: Chemical and Biological Medical Supplies Are Poorly Managed, March 8, 2000 [5 Pages, 129k]

DARPA Biological Warfare Defense Program [47 Pages]

Effort to Reduce Former Soviet Threat Offers Benefits, Poses New Risks, April 2000 [42 Pages]

Incapacitant and Irritant Chemical Weapons of the Armed Forces of the So Called Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, 7 October 1994 [12 Pages]

Injuries Caused by Chemical Agents, 1981 [50 Pages, 8.6MB]

Joint Service Chemical & Biological Defense Program Overview, FY00-02 Overview [88 Pages]

Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare, 2007 [632 Pages, 47.43MB] – Reflecting the critical threat posed by biological warfare and terrorism in a post 9-11 world, Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare (an update of Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare published in 1997) addresses the weaponization of biological agents, categorizing potential agents as food, waterborne, or agricultural agents or toxins, and discusses their respective epidemiology. Recent advances in biomedical knowledge are presented that include descriptions of individual agents and the illnesses induced. Authors discuss biotoxins and explain methods for early identification for anthrax, plague, smallpox, alphaviruses, and staphylococcal enterotoxins. Case studies and research on successful management practices, treatments, and antidotes are also included. Publisher: Department of Defense, Office of The Surgeon General, US Army, Borden Institute. 2007: 672 p.; ill.

Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare, 2008 [847 Pages, 15.83MB] – This volume was prepared for military medical educational use. The focus of the information is to foster discussion that may form the basis of doctrine and policy. The opinions or assertionscontained herein are the private views of the authors and are not to be construed as official or asreflecting the views of the Department of the Army or the Department of Defense.

The Modern Possibilities of Prevention and Therapy in Animal Poisoning with Different Kinds of Nerve War Gases, 1964 [59 Pages]

NIE 4-64 Likelihood of a Proliferation of Biological and Chemical Warfare Capabilities, 21 October 1964 [14 Pages]

 President Nixon’s Decision to Renounce the U.S. Offensive Biological Weapons Progra, 01 October 2009 [36 Pages, 0.3MB] – The nuclear arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union was a prominent feature of the Cold War. A lesser known but equally dangerous element of the superpower competition involved biological weapons (BW), living microorganisms that cause fatal or incapacitating diseases in humans, animals, or plants. By the late 1960s, the United States and the Soviet Union had both acquired advanced BW capabilities. The U.S. biological weapons complex, operated by the U.S. Army Chemical Corps, consisted of a research and development laboratory at Fort Detrick in Maryland, an open-air testing site at Dugway Proving Ground in Utah, and a production facility at Pine Bluff Arsenal in Arkansas that manufactured biological warfare agents and loaded them into bomblets, bombs, and spray tanks.

Proceedings of the U.S. Army Chemical Research, Development and Engineering Center Scientific Conference on Chemical Defense Research (1991) Held in Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland on 19-22 November 1991 [1057 Pages, 17.73mb]

Psychochemical Agents, 14 September 1956 [40 Pages, 1.83mb]

Raman Spectroscopy of Chemical Agents and Stimulants: GA, DIMP, and HD [6 Pages]

Status of Chemistry and Chemical Technology In Communist China, Part 1 (1966) [41 Pages, 5.45mb]

Strategic Chemical Weapons in Intermediate War, November 1968 [59 Pages, 7.83mb]

U.S. Army Activity in the U.S. Biological Warfare Program, 1942-1977, Volume I, 25 February 1977 [48 Pages, 2,1mb]

Why Must We Know The Chemical Weapons of the Enemy (Bulgarian Intelligence), April 1986 [14 Pages, 2.05mb]

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This post was published on February 23, 2015 3:51 am

John Greenewald

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