The Congressional Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) closed on September 29, 1995. During its 23-year history, OTA provided Congressional members and committees with analyses of the scientific and technological issues that were increasingly relevant to public policy and legislative action.

OTA occupied a unique role among the Congressional information agencies. Unlike the General Accounting Office, which is primarily concerned with evaluation of ongoing programs, and the Congressional Research Service, which provides rapid information on legislative topics, OTA provided a deeper, more comprehensive, and more technical level of analysis. Through eleven Congressional sessions, OTA became a key resource for Congressional members and staff confronting technological issues in crafting public policy. Its existence brought a healthy balance to the analytical resources available to the executive and legislative branches of government.

The agency’s legacy is found in the many items of legislation it influenced and in the channels of communication its staff helped foster between legislative policymakers and members of the scientific, technical, and business communities.

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The Black Vault has archived here the complete collection of reports and data issued by the OTA. Clicking on any document below will take you directly to the report, all in .pdf format. This collection holds 110,670 pages in total.



  1. After the Cold War: Living With Lower Defense Spending
  2. Alaskan Water for California?: The Subsea Pipeline Option
  3. Annual Report to the Congress: Fiscal Year 1991
  4. The Biology of Mental Disorders
  5. Building Energy Efficiency
  6. Building Future Security: Strategies for Restructuring the Defense Technology and Industrial Base
  7. The CDC’s Case Definition of AIDS: Implications of Proposed Revisions
  8. Combined Summaries: Technologies To Sustain Tropical Forest Resources and Biological Diversity
  9. Cystic Fibrosis and DNA Tests: Implications of Carrier Screening
  10. Difficult-To-Reuse Needles for the Prevention of HIV Infection Among Injecting Drug Abusers
  11. Disposal of Chemical Weapons: Alternative Technologies
  12. Do Medicaid and Medicare Patients Sue More Often Than Other Patients?
  13. Does Health Insurance Make a Difference?
  14. Evaluation of the Oregon Medicaid Proposal
  15. Federal and Private Roles in the Development and Provision of Alglucerase Therapy for Gaucher Disease
  16. Finding a Balance: Computer Software, Intellectual Property and the Challenge of Technological Change
  17. Forest Service Planning: Accommodating Uses, Producing Outputs, and Sustaining Ecosystems
  18. Fueling Development: Energy Technologies for Developing Countries
  19. Genetic Counseling and Cystic Fibrosis Carrier Screening: Results of a Survey
  20. Genetic Tests and Health Insurance: Results of a Survey
  21. Global Standards: Building Blocks for the Future
  22. Green Products by Design: Choices for a Cleaner Environment
  23. Home Drug Infusion Therapy Under Medicare
  24. Identifying and Controlling Pulmonary Toxicants
  25. Lessons in Restructuring Defense Industry: The French Experience
  26. Managing Industrial Solid Wastes From Manufacturing, Mining, Oil and Gas Production, and Utility Coal Combustion
  27. The Menopause, Hormone Therapy, and Women’s Health
  28. Monitoring Limits on Sea-Launched Cruise Missiles
  29. NASA’s Office of Space Science and Applications: Process, Priorities and Goals
  30. A New Technological Era for American Agriculture
  31. Performance Standards for the Food Stamp Employment and Training Program
  32. Police Body Armor Standards and Testing, Vol. I
  33. Police Body Armor Standards and Testing, Vol. II-Appendixes
  34. Remotely Sensed Data From Space: Distribution, Pricing, and Applications
  35. Retiring Old Cars: Programs To Save Gasoline and Reduce Emissions
  36. Science and Technology Issues in Coastal Ecotourism
  37. Special Care Units for People With Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias: Consumer Education, Research, Regulatory, and Reimbursement Issues
  38. Technology Against Terrorism: Structuring Security
  39. Testing in American Schools: Asking the Right Questions
  40. Trade and Environment: Conflicts and Opportunities
  41. U.S. Banks and International Telecommunications
  42. U.S.-Mexico Trade: Pulling Together or Pulling Apart?



  1. The 1992 World Administrative Radio Conference: Issues for U.S. International Spectrum Policy
  2. Adjusting to a New Security Environment: The Defense Technology and Industrial Base Challenge
  3. Adolescent Health, Vol. I: Summary and Policy Options
  4. Adolescent Health, Vol. II: Background and the Effectiveness of Selected Prevention and Treatment Services
  5. Adolescent Health, Vol. III: Crosscutting Issues in the Delivery of Health and Related Services
  6. Agricultural Commodities as Industrial Raw Materials
  7. American Military Power: Future Needs, Future Choices
  8. Automated Record Checks for Firearm Purchasers: Issues and Options
  9. Biological Rhythms: Implications for the Worker
  10. Bioremediation for Marine Oil Spills
  11. Biotechnology in a Global Economy
  12. Changing by Degrees: Steps To Reduce Greenhouse Gases
  13. Competing Economies: America, Europe, and the Pacific Rim
  14. Complex Cleanup: The Environmental Legacy of Nuclear Weapons Production
  15. Delivering the Goods: Public Works Technologies, Management, and Financing
  16. Dioxin Treatment Technologies
  17. Energy Efficiency in the Federal Government: Government by Good Example?
  18. Energy in Developing Countries
  19. Energy Technology Choices: Shaping Our Future
  20. Exploring the Moon and Mars: Choices for the Nation
  21. The FBI Fingerprint Identification Automation Program: Issues and Options
  22. Federally Funded Research: Decisions for a Decade
  23. Global Arms Trade: Commerce in Advanced Military Technology and Weapons
  24. HIV in the Health Care Workplace
  25. Identifying and Controlling Immunotoxic Substances
  26. Improving Automobile Fuel Economy: New Standards, New Approaches
  27. Long-Lived Legacy: Managing High-Level and Transuranic Waste at the DOE Nuclear Weapons Complex
  28. Medical Monitoring and Screening in the Workplace: Results of a Survey
  29. Miniaturization Technologies
  30. Moving Ahead: 1991 Surface Transportation Legislation
  31. New Opportunities for U.S. Universities in Development Assistance: Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Environment
  32. New Ways: Tiltrotor Aircraft and Magnetically Levitated Vehicles 9132.PDF
  33. Outpatient Immunosuppressive Drugs Under Medicare
  34. Redesigning Defense: Planning the Transition to the Future U.S. Defense Industrial Base
  35. Review of a Protocol for a Study of Reproductive Health Outcomes Among Women Vietnam Veterans
  36. Rural America at the Crossroads: Networking for the Future
  37. Screening Mammography in Primary Care Settings: Implications for Cost Access and Quality
  38. Seeking Solutions: High Performance Computing for Science
  39. Technology Against Terrorism: The Federal Effort
  40. U.S. Dairy Industry at a Crossroad: Biotechnology and Policy Choices
  41. U.S. Oil Import Vulnerability: The Technical Replacement Capability
  42. Verification Technologies: Cooperative Aerial Surveillance in International Agreements
  43. Verification Technologies: Managing Research and Development for Cooperative Arms Control Monitoring Measures


  1. Access to Space: The Future of U.S. Space Transportation Systems
  2. Affordable Spacecraft: Design and Launch Alternatives
  3. Agricultural Research and Technology Transfer Policies for the 1990s
  4. Arming Our Allies: Cooperation and Competition in Defense Technology
  5. Beneath the Bottom Line: Agricultural Approaches To Reduce Agrichemical Contamination of Groundwater
  6. The Big Picture: HDTV and High-Resolution Systems
  7. Children’s Dental Services Under the Medicaid Program
  8. Computer Software and Intellectual Property
  9. Confused Minds, Burdened Families: Finding Help for People With Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias
  10. Coping With an Oiled Sea
  11. The Costs and Effectiveness of Cervical Cancer Screening in Elderly Women
  12. Costs and Effectiveness of Colorectal Cancer Screening in the Elderly
  13. Critical Connections: Communication for the Future
  14. The Effectiveness of Drug Abuse Treatment: Implications for Controlling AIDS/HIV Infection
  15. Electronic Bulls and Bears: U.S. Securities Markets and Information Technology
  16. Energy Use and the U.S. Economy
  17. Evaluating Defense Department Research
  18. Finding the Rx for Managing Medical Wastes
  19. Forest Service Planning: Setting Strategic Direction Under RPA
  20. Genetic Monitoring and Screening in the Workplace
  21. Genetic Witness: Forensic Uses of DNA Tests
  22. Health Care in Rural America
  23. Helping America Compete: The Role of Federal Scientific and Technical Information
  24. High-Temperature Superconductivity in Perspective
  25. Holding the Edge: Maintaining the Defense Technology Base-Vol. II, Appendices
  26. How Has Federal Research on AIDS/HIV Disease Contributed to Other Fields?
  27. Indian Adolescent Mental Health
  28. Making Things Better: Competing in Manufacturing
  29. Neural Grafting: Repairing the Brain and Spinal Cord
  30. Neurotoxicity: Identifying and Controlling Poisons of the Nervous System
  31. Nonferrous Metals: Industry Structure
  32. Orbiting Debris: A Space Environmental Problem
  33. Physical Vulnerability of Electric Systems to Natural Disasters and Sabotage
  34. Plague of Locusts-Special Report
  35. Preventive Health Services for Medicare Beneficiaries: Policy and Research Issues
  36. Proposal Pressure in the 1980s: An Indicator of Stress on the Federal Research System
  37. Rebuilding the Foundations: A Special Report on State and Local Public Works Financing and Management
  38. Recombinant Erythropoietin: Payment Options for Medicare
  39. Replacing Gasoline: Alternative Fuels for Light-Duty Vehicles
  40. Royalty Management Program’s Auditing and Financial System: Technical Issues
  41. Trading Around the Clock: Global Securities Markets and Information Technology
  42. Unconventional Cancer Treatments
  43. The Use of Integrity Tests for Pre-Employment Screening
  44. Verification Technologies: Measures for Monitoring Compliance with the START Treaty
  45. Worker Training: Competing in the New International Economy
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This post was published on March 1, 2015 6:33 pm

John Greenewald

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