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Beginning in December of 2017, rumors of a “Secret Pentagon UFO Study” was reported by the mainstream media. The result was an avalanche of UFO stories throughout the next couple of years; each one increasing the hope that Disclosure of some sort of alien existence, was about to become reality. As a result, Congress wanted answers. Now? They will get them from the intelligence community in mid 2021. But will it all be public knowledge, or just something for our elected leaders behind closed doors?

Wild sensationalized headlines and misinterpreted FOIA results has all landed a new UFO story that is, well, just not accurate. Although at the recording of this, mainstream media coverage has not commenced, the blog in question has found itself posted throughout multiple social networks such as Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter; all resulting in many questions. This is addressing the rumor, while adding a few more tidbits about AAWSAP that you may not be aware of.