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In October of 2017, a counterintelligence officer and trained special agent by the name of Luis Elizondo, stepped out of the shadowed halls of the Pentagon and into the public spotlight. Whether he intended it or not, by doing so he would become an instant celebrity to UFO enthusiasts for saying something that would soon shake the entire world.

My guest today is author Jeffrey Kaye. In his book Cover-up at Guantanamo, Jeffrey explores two mysterious deaths, detailing meticulously, declassified military documents; horrifying tales of drugs possibly used for interrogation purposes; the lack of basic human rights; and strong evidence of a massive cover-up of the truth.

My guest today is Stephen Bassett. For nearly 25 years, he has aimed to end what he calls a “government-imposed truth embargo behind extraterrestrial related phenomena.” He organized a Citizen Hearing on Disclosure at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. and he spearheaded political initiatives that injected the ET issue into the 2016 Presidential campaign.

UFOs. A topic that continues to fascinate the public, and has, for decades. Now, after more than nearly 50 years of denying interest in the topic – the U.S. military, and certain members of Congress, want answers. Recent documents obtained by The Black Vault prove that more is going on behind the scenes than has been reported.