Report of Investigation: The Presence of Biological and Chemical Warfare Materiel at AFMC Bases within the United States, June 2000


Mr. Andrew Ghazee of the AFMC Restoration Office, requested that AFRLIHEST conduct an archival search, review, and analysis of existing records for the 1948 through 1970 time frame to determine the potential for the residual presence of BW/CW agents, munitions, and training devices at AFMC bases and related sites. This action was in response to a tasking received from AF/ILEVR in September 1997. In order to accomplish this research, AFRLIHEST contracted with STI under AF contract F41624-97 -D-6002 to examine any plans, records, and reports that may indicate the presence of BW/CW materiel on AFMC bases and related  sites during this time period.

Archival records and unit histories of the identified installations were reviewed at the base historian’s offices. Environmental reclamation officers and individuals at the Treaty Offices at each base were contacted for any information they may have on previous reclamations and studies.

The Defense Technical Information Center’s on-line technical reports data base was searched for relevant data.

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Links to the Army Chemical Corps BW/CW program were identified and investigated. If necessary, the Edgewood Arsenal and Fort Detrick historians were contacted. Transfer of BW/CW materiel by the Army Technical Escort Unit was tracked as records permit. An assessment was made for the discovery potential of BW/CW materiel on the base as a result of the BW/CW program. A report was written for each installation; this final report consists of a compilation of all individual base reports.

Declassified Document

 Report of Investigation: The Presence of Biological and Chemical Warfare Materiel at AFMC Bases within the United States, June 2000 [235 Pages, 12.7MB]


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This post was published on October 12, 2016 4:19 pm

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