Browsing: The Black Vault Radio - Hosted by John Greenewald, Jr.

Field investigator and radio show host Erica Lukes steps into the vault.  With a passion for traveling the world, and investigating the unknown, Erica breaks down her time at the mysterious Skinwalker Ranch. Then, she details her recent trip to Norway to investigate a mysterious phenomenon known as the Hessdalen Lights.

Science writer, skeptical investigator and founder of, Mick West, steps into the Vault. Mick spends his time analyzing and critiquing claims of the Paranormal and scrutinizes the details behind popular conspiracy theories. Prepare to challenge what you may believe. Mick holds nothing back.

Retired police Lieutenant Tim McMillan steps back into the Vault. He’s here to speak about the highly secretive Special Access Programs or SAPs within the U.S. government.  With an now extensive knowledge about how SAPs work, I’ll ask about his thoughts are on the now infamous “Admiral Wilson leaks” now circulating the UFO community…  Are they real?

In episode #36 of The Black Vault Radio — Popular YouTube host and field investigator Tim Doyle steps into the Vault. With extensive experience in the field outside of Area 51, Tim shares details about his investigations around the Top Secret base, and whether or not the joke turned crusade to “Storm Area 51” – is even possible.

Doctor of chemical engineering Chris Cogswell steps into the Vault. He tackles the hardcore science behind “metamaterials” and the claims of Bob Lazar. Will these popular topics in UFOlogy stand up to scientific scrutiny?