Browsing: The Black Vault Radio - Hosted by John Greenewald, Jr.

In this short episode, I breakdown a few documents likely related, describing UFO “material” years after the U.S. government / military’s investigation into UFOs known as Project Blue Book. The documents show that within the walls of the CIA, despite the U.S. government’s public stance, officials and personnel continued to watch UFO developments. They even reference “material” and something “handcarried” to the office of one of the CIA scientists. What was it? A document? A post it note? Piece of wreckage?

Science is advancing. New discoveries are pushing the boundaries of what we know and even what we believe. In recent years, the discovery of interstellar objects like Oumuamua traveling in our galactic neighborhood have paved the way for a whole new way of thinking.

Want to know more about the UFO office within the Pentagon? Well, when it comes to the last rendition of it anyway, the Department of Defense (DoD) does not want you to know much.

In fact, they just denied key pages in understanding the office known as the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group, or AOIMSG, along with redacting numerous other pages hiding crucial details of the effort.

Despite the conversation about UFOs and UAP changing, and we hear talk about unidentified objects muttered in the halls of Congress, many are surprised when I say secrecy has deepened, not lessened. So, here is a breakdown on WHY I say that, with real world examples as released under the Freedom of Information Act.