Stargate Collection: Controlled Offensive Behavior – USSR – 31 January 1972

The following document was obtained by The Black Vault through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and was part of the “Stargate Collection” release.

The document below titled “Controlled Offensive Behavior – USSR” from January 1972, released under the Freedom of Information Act, is a detailed account of Soviet research into human vulnerability, particularly in terms of incapacitating individuals or small groups. The report focuses on various methods used for influencing or altering human behavior, which includes extensive research by the Soviet scientific community in fields such as biophysics, psychology, physiology, and neuropsychiatry. This research has led to the exploration of techniques like biochemicals, sound, light, color, odors, sensory deprivation, sleep, electronic and magnetic fields, hypnosis, autosuggestion, and paranormal phenomena​​​​.

One of the alarming revelations from the report is the practice of “mental reorientation” of political dissenters in the USSR. This reorientation is executed through means such as confinements, isolation, and psychopharmaceutical administration, causing concern among the international psychiatric community. The report alleges that this treatment of individuals, deemed as insane, is actually a guise for physical and medical treatment under psychiatric care rehabilitation​​.

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The report also delves into sensory deprivation techniques, which have been put to use on humans. These techniques, which include sensory isolation and increased confusion and disorientation, aim to lower morale, create anxiety, and induce states of suggestibility, leading to potential false confessions​​.

Additionally, the report provides detailed case histories of political detainees, shedding light on the procedures used in the Soviet Union from arrest to confession. These procedures typically involve the collaboration of the KGB, medical experts providing false diagnoses, and courts confirming these findings, leading to the detainees being sent to prison asylums until they are “cured,” which usually means a confession of mental aberration​​.

Furthermore, the report includes descriptions of conditions in Soviet psychiatric institutions, highlighting the use of powerful drugs as a form of punishment or manipulation. These drugs are reported to cause severe adverse reactions and, in some cases, lead to the reduction of individuals to a vegetative state​​.

While the Soviet government denied these charges, claiming that only those who committed socially dangerous acts or became ill during investigations were sent to psychiatric institutions, the report presents a different narrative. It argues that despite ideological resistance, Soviet behavior scientists possess the ability to combine various principles under a common group of laws, indicating a sophisticated level of research in the field​​.

In conclusion, the document reveals a complex and often disturbing picture of Soviet research and practices in human behavior manipulation, covering a broad spectrum of methods and applications, from psychiatric treatments to advanced studies in parapsychology and biocybernetics​​.

Document Archive

Stargate Collection: Controlled Offensive Behavior – USSR – 31 January 1972 [178 Pages, 8.67MB]


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This post was published on December 19, 2023 1:00 am

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